Chapter 3

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Next morning, all the students were heading to class at Auradon Prep, where a huge header labelled, "Congratulations Knights. Back to Back Champions!" Jay and Carlos received all of attention and popularity at the school as they bump into Mal and Evie. 

"Hey Champs!" Mal said.

"Hey guys." Jay said.

"Last night was the best night of my life." Carlos said.

"You said it." Mal said.

"So, Evie how do you feel about being apart of Cinderella's clothing company?" Carlos asked.

"It always been my dream to make dresses for princesses's and even working for one of them, including Doug." Evie said.

"Well, you always been on top of your game especially when you made my dresses." Mal said.

"Haha, well I'm gonna go to my locker, I see you guys later." Evie said as she left the group.

Evie walks to her locker, a blonde girl with blue ribbon earrings and a British accent comes up to her, taps on her shoulder and Evie startled.

"Hi um.. who are you?" Evie asked.

"Good morning, Miss Evie, I'm Ally, Alice's daughter. I'll be your personal assistant at Cinderella's Clothing Company, which you start working next week." Ally said.

"Well with the dinner party and coronation this week, I need my tracking with people's appointment for their designing. I need someone to help me and Doug to get some idea settings for tomorrow's Pre- Coronation dinner." Evie said.

"Will do." Ally said.

"How do you know all of my schedule?" Evie asked.

"I took the liberty of checking, Simply to make certain. I'd have your nonfat soy latte ready for your free period." Ally said.

"One packet of sweetener?" Evie said.

"Organic of course." Ally said.

"I'll email you all my wardrobe choices so that each morning our outfits will not clash. By the way, love the accent, it sounds just like Alice when she was younger." Evie said.

Jay walks into Fairy Godmother's classroom, but stop by Squeaky and Squirmy.

"Jay, my brother, can we have your locker gym locker?" Squirmy said.

"What, you two want my locker?" Jay said.

"Like starting next week since, you'll be leaving soon. We'll probably running the team next season and I think it will help us out with the guys." Squeaky said.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that?" Jay said.

"We don't know." the twins said.

The bell rang as the twins start rushing to class.

"Oh tardy, later bro. Come on Squirm." Squeaky said.

"Alright everyone, settle down. I know we're all still excited about our Knights top to bottom championship." Fairy Godmother said.

"That will be back to back championship, Miss Godmother." Jay corrected her.

"Whatever the case is grand slab, well done. And now our student body president and co-editor of the yearbook, Jane has some important announcement." Miss Fairy Godmother said.

"Pre-party committee meets tomorrow ahead of the dance, the day before and if you haven't got your tickets see Freddie you can pick up your tickets from her. The theme will be 'The Last Waltz.' But don't forget to be the last one to pick up your tickets. Coronation committee convenes Thursday before the Pre-Party, following yearbook planning. Picture deadline on tomorrow. Questions?" Jane said.

"Yeah, what the lunch special on the cafeteria today?" Carlos asked as the class laughed.

"Lady and the Tramp's spaghetti. Anyone else?" Jane said as the class went "ooh."

"Moving on, Audrey Rose... on the formal?" Fairy Godmother said.

"With the dance and everyone being busy, we need more help with the settings." Audrey said.

Dizzy starts writing a list very quickly that caught Fairy Godmother's attention.

"A little light on the sign ups, Dizzy." Fairy Godmother said.

"Nope. Just getting all my appointments in." Dizzy said.

"Well then, any questions?" Fairy Godmother said.

Chad raise his hand

"Yes, Chad?" Godmother said.

"So how was your day been going, Godmother?" Chad said as the whole class groaned.

"What?" Chad said to the whole class.

The bell rang as the students start to head for their next class, then Ben received a note from Mal with a pink lipstick on it. Ben look behind Mal and smiled at her as she smiled back, while everyone heads to the next class.

When Mal went to her locker, Ben goes up to her.

"Your royal highness has arrive." Ben said.

"Oh please, I hope this coronation stuff will place by soon, cause I'm ready for it to be over with." Mal said.

"Hey as long as we're together, its cool right?" Ben said.

"Promise?" Mal said.

"Here's my promise, turn around." Ben said.

Mal turns around and Ben takes out a pocket with a necklace in it, with the letter "B" on it. He puts it on her and she looks at it. Evie, Doug, Jay, Lonnie, Carlos, Jane Mand Freddie looked at them.

"B" as for Ben?" Mal said.

"More like "B" in for Beauty or... that." Ben said.

They were about to kiss, but they were interrupted by a younger female student who wants to sign their yearbook.

"Oh hi, how you doing?" Mal said to the young student with a smile as she signed her yearbook.

After Mal and Ben sign the student's yearbook, Evie called Mal.

"Mal! Let's go we'll be late." Evie said.

"Sure, come on." Mal said to Ben.

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