Bed Sheets

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The worst part of a broken heart is when you change the sheets. Others will tell you it's when you put the photographs away, or when you give them their belongings back. I'm here to tell you that while all of that is hard, changing the sheets is harder. 

Those sheets held you together in your lightest and darkest times. They witnessed every fit of laughter he put you in, every night you felt most in love with each other, every argument, every tear, every smile, and every kiss. 

After it ended you laid on those broken sheets for three days straight, crying and wishing he'd come back to them. You laid on his pillow and sobbed when you remembered the last "I love you" that was said. Right there. On those sheets. 

Times were hard, but those sheets made them harder. It took a minute to realize that they were hurting you, but eventually you got the courage to change them. You stood over them and watched as your tears fell and created tiny paint splatters of dark grey. You ran a hand over them one last time, feeling every memory come crashing down like a ton of bricks. You tell yourself you've had enough

With the old sheets on the floor, you place your new, brightly colored sheets on your bed. You run your hand over them and feel happiness, for the first time in a long time. "No more crying." you tell yourself. For these sheets symbolized something great; the future. Soon a new love would take the place of your old sheets. A greater love. A stronger love. No more broken hearts, and no more tear soaked sheets. 

You're okay. 

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