Ch. 16

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"And the award for Top New artist goes to," the announcers shout into the mic before opening the envelope. "Molly Rose!" They shout.

The fans scream my name and the venue is filled with claps and cheers for my win. I get up from my seat, hugging my manager and Lexi. As I walk to the right to get on stage, BTS stands to their feet and approach me, hugging me and congratulating me on my fourth and final win of the night.

I head up the stage to accept my award and I'm congratulated by the announcers. I thank them and walk to the center of the stage.

"Thank you!" I smile, waiting for the cheering to die own. "I never would have imaged myself, on this stage, in front of all these amazing artists that have inspired me for many many years." I smile, scanning the sea of successful artists in the building. "I'm truly honored to be standing before all of you. You guys deserve this. I'd like to thank my roses-" As soon as those words leave my lips, the room is filled with cheers again. I laugh, trying to continue. "Thank you for supporting me and listening to my music. I hope that I can make your day just a tiny bit brighter, or help you overcome your struggles because you are not in this alone. I love you guys so much!" They cheer and I continue. "Most importantly, I'd like to thank my family who have been my rock. I love you guys watching at home. And friends," I say, smiling down at the handsome men sitting in front of me, BTS. "Thank you for motivating me and guiding me. I love you all! Thank you!"

The cheering gets louder and I'm finally guided off the stage. I meet Lexi and Michael back stage and we return to my personal room, where I change into my performance outfit.


I stood before the audience, waiting for my cue. As the lights changed, setting the mood for my performances, I began and the music filled the air, effortlessly. I suddenly forgot everything and let the music consume me, losing myself in it.

Before I knew it, my performance was over and I stood before a large crowd, applauding and cheering my name. It was an amazingly feeling that filled me after every performance. I felt a certain rush and unstoppable.

When I was escorted back, I ran into BTS' filming crew. They congratulated me on my win and invited me to BTS' personal room. I waited there, watching the awards through the TV in the room. It was finally time to announce this year's Top Social Artist, the award BTS was nominated for.

"Everyone, BTS is about to win." I smile, calling their staff so we could all enjoy their victory. The filming crew sets their cameras and begin filming us as we watch them through the TV.

"BTS!" The announcers award BTS and we all cheer, happily for their success.

The boys walk up and we all watch carefully in admiration. "Wow. I'm so proud of them." I smile. The cameraman gets closer and I smile into the camera. "I'm so proud of you guys!" I leave a little message for the boys.

The boys give their speech and they're escorted back to their room where I wait with the staff. As soon as the boys enter, we praise them for their win.

"Congratulations!" I smile, pulling the boys into a group hug.

I finally leave their room, giving them their privacy to change for their performance. In the meanwhile, I meet with other artists, having small talk and taking pictures for social media.

Once the boys are out, I follow them backstage to watch their performance.

"Good luck!" I smile at Jimin. "I believe in you."

"I don't need luck." He smirks, walking backwards as he remains eye contact with me. "I've got you." He smirks, turning before I could respond and walks on stage.

There he goes that Park Jimin, making me feel like I won the lottery. Except I did win the lottery, it was meeting him.


"Good night army!" Are their last words before turning off V-Live. I move from the corner- where I hid during their vlive- to the couch.

"Here." Jimin says, handing me a glass of champagne. I thank him and prepare to raise my glass.

"I want to make a toast to friendship." Jungkook smiles, rasing his glass.

"To friendship." We all repeat, clinking our glasses together.

After hours of drinking and laughing, I decide it's time to head to my room. It was pretty late, and I still had to get out of this dress and wash my face.

"I'll walk you to your room." Jimin follows after I've said my goodbyes. We walk down the hall in silence, enjoying each other's company.

He's the first to break the silence by saying, "I know I told you this already, but you looked very beautiful today."

I smile, looking down at the floor. "Are you saying I don't look beautiful every other day?" I tease, causing him to laugh.

"You know what I mean." He smiles, stopping in front of my room, looking into my eyes. His beautiful almond shaped eyes, observing every feature about my face. It's driving me crazy.

"Jimin." I smile, never moving my eyes from his. "Why do you do this to me?" I whisper.

"What?" He asks, his eyes moving back and forth from my lips to my eyes.

"Look at me like that and say things that make it impossible to breathe."

He brushes a lock of hair away from my face and places his hand on my cheek. My heart beats faster, so fast I'm afraid he might hear how loud it's beating. My eyes close and my head tilts up. He leans in, his plump lips meet my cheek, sending warmth through my lips. He pulls away, leaving a tingling sensation where his lips were.

"Because I can't control myself around you." He whispers, removing his hand from my cheek.

"Good night, Molly." He smiles, and he walks away.


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