Ch. 52

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December 27

With Christmas music playing in the background, I happily skip across my room, gathering all of my belongings.

Going over the list I made up in my head, I scan the suitcase in front of me, making sure I haven't forgot anything.

"Good." I whisper to myself, clapping my hands happily.

A pair of strong arms snake around my waist, pulling me into his chest. I smile to myself as my heart flutters at the realization of Jimin holding me in his arms.

"You're so cute." He kisses my neck, a few giggles escaping my lips.

"You're home." I say, turning in his arms to face him.

"Why are you up early?" He asked, caressing my head.

"I had to pack."

His face suddenly changes from happy to confused in a second. His brows knit together, cocking his head back.

"Pack?" He tore his eyes away from mine, staring at the made suit case on my bed. "Why?"

"What do you mean?" The smile on my face slowly fading away. "I'm coming with you. I want to support you and the boys at the event. Plus, Got7 is performing and I haven't seen them in a while-"

"But," Jimin pulls away. A frown forms on my face, stomach knotting at his disapproving words. "you can't."

"Wh-" I pause, crossing my arms over my chest. I didn't know what I was feeling exactly. Was I mad at Jimin
telling me no, or was I sad that he didn't want me to go. "What do you mean I can't?"

"It means you can't." He repeats, putting his hands on his hip as his volume increases.

"Why not? I can't support you guys?"

"You can, but you can do it from home."

"Jimin-" I insist, growing angry by the second. Why didn't he want me to come? Why couldn't he explain to me the reason?

"I said no." He shouts.

I clench my jaw, fists turning white from anger. "Jimin, I know you're not the jealous type, but is this because I said I wanted to see-"

"No is no, Molly."

I scoff, turning my back to him to zip up my suit case. "I'm going whether you want me there or not."

"I'll tell my management not to let you in."

"Are you threatening me." I laugh dryly. He remains quiet as I turn to face him once again. "Well I'm sorry to disappoint you but I have other ways of getting in."

I walk towards the restroom, pushing past Jimin who stood in my way.

His holds on to my wrist, turning me to face him. "With Mark?" He snarls, chest heaving up and down from anger.

I could see the hurt in his eyes, but I couldn't understand why. Jimin wasn't the jealous type. He was always understanding and trusting.

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