Ch. 54

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I quietly slip through the front door, wincing when the door creaks before closing.

"Shh." I say to the door, as if it would fulfill my requests.

I close the door shut, waiting a few seconds for any movement in the house.

From the outside, all the lights were off. Naturally, I assumed they were all asleep, so I didn't want to be loud and wake them up.

"It's not going to be quiet because you tell it too." A voice says from the darkness of the room, causing me to jolt back in fear.

I turn around, meeting his eyes as he steps into the moonlight shining through the window.

"I'm sorry." I said, approaching him. "I just lost track of time."

His jaw clenched, giving me a look that could kill. He rolled his eyes, walking away from me.

I sighed, following behind him to his room.

After getting ready for bed, I slipped into the bed sheets, laying close to the edge, farthest away from Jimin who had his back towards mine.

Unable to rid my mind of the thoughts about our fight, I watched the clock on Jimin's nightstand tick.

10:30pm it read.

Jimin never said I was late, but the tone in his voice said I was.

I closed my eyes, pretending I was tried. Maybe I'll trick my body into falling asleep.

Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours.

12:59 am the clock read when Jimin's strong arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me into him. When I was finally wrapped in his warmth, body pressed against him, he breathed out heavily, falling over me as his lips rested on the nape of my neck.

"Jimin?" I whispered.

No answer.


After no response, I turn my head, meeting a sleeping Jimin.

I smile to myself, resting my head back on the pillow.

Sure we had fought, but it's not often that we get to be together. Instead of being petty, I'll enjoy this moment with him.

I close my eyelids as they finally start feeling heavy over my eyes.


The persistent ringing of Jimin's alarm fills the room, waking me up from me sleep.

Moaning in annoyance at the alarm's constant ringing in my ears, I slowly and reluctantly open my eyes. The sun's bright light that shines through the window clouds my vision, and I close my eyes and blink.

I woke to my body pressed against Jimin's chest. His strong arms gently held my waist as his lips were pressed against my nape, the same position we had fallen asleep in last night. Except, this morning, his hand held mine, his fingers laced in mine.

"I love you." I thought, closing my eyes and enjoying his warmth.

A few moments later, Jimin finally woke up, shuffling under the bed sheets that protected us from the cool air. I kept my eyes closed, acting oblivious to our position.

I was supposed to be mad at him for him being mad at me.

Keyword phrase: supposed to.

Being mad at him wasn't working to well.

Feeling his eyes on my body pressed against his, he sighed. Sliding his hand out of mine, he pushed off the bed, covering me with his silk bed sheets. The warmth of his body remained on the bed sheets where he laid.

Deciding to finally make my consciousness aware, I sat up on the bed, rubbing my eyes as I yawned shamelessly.

Letting my body adjust, I sat still, eyeing Jimin like a hawk.

"Good morning." He said emotionlessly, watching himself tie the laces of his boots.

"Good morning." I mumbled.

He finally looked up, meeting my groggy state. The corner of his lip twitched and the smile that threatened his lips met his eyes first. He looked away, standing to his feet.

"What?" I asked obliviously.

He walked up to the bed, sitting right in front of me. He allowed the smile to form on his lips, placing his hand on my head.

"You're hair is a mess, your lips are red and swollen, and your eyes are puffy." he giggled. Before I could swing my fist into his chest, he spoke. "But you're still beautiful."

I melted at that words that spilled out his lips like honey. His eyes ignited the fire in my heart. His smile filled my lungs with air.

I smiled at the man before me. The only man who knew how to take my breathe away. The man who held the key to my heart. The man I was in love with.

"You're such a sweet talker, Jimin-ah." I giggled. He chuckled, moving off the bed and to the restroom.


"Where are you going?" Yoongi asked as I met them outside their house.

"I'm waiting for Mark." I said, scanning the street for the vehicle he said he'd pick me up in.

Before Yoongi could say another word, his attention shifted from me to the man whose hand was on my forearm, turning me towards him.

"You're not actually going, are you?" Jimin barked, keeping his strong grip on me.

"I am." I was confused with his sudden mood change. He was sweet this morning, now he was aggressive.

"You can't." He shook his head.

The sound of a car horn broke his intense stare on me. I followed his eyes, seeing Mark's head stick out the large van. He smiled, waving at me and the boys getting ready to board their own van.

I turned my attention back to Jimin.
"I have to go." I said, afraid to meet his eyes.

"Molly." He whispered, his voice low and hurt. His sad voice hurt more than a scooter to an ankle.

"I'm sorry, Jimin." I pulled my arm away from his tight grip.

Not wanting to leave us on a bad note, I leaned into him, pulling him into a hug but he pulled away and walked away.

"Molly," Tae said softly, putting his large hand on my back. "Jimin is just going through something."

I nodded, forcing a smile to my lips. "I'll be cheering you guys on today."

With that, I walking towards Mark, entering their van.



Update two! Make sure to read chapter 53 if you haven't.


Btw, someone asked how old I was since I said Hyunjin was my Stray Kids bias.

I am 18 years old :)
I'm a 00' liner.

8 years younger than Jin
7 years younger than Yoongs
6 years younger than Hoseokie and Joons.
5 years younger than Jimin and Tae :,(
But 3 years younger than Jungkook lol.

I have a Korean friend who's 23(jimin and Tae's age) who reminds me of Tae and the age difference isn't as bad as I thought it was.

It makes me think I have a chance with Jimin lol.

*cries internally*

How old are ya'll?


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