Chapter Twenty-Nine: Dramatic Moments

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Olivia moaned in pain, she knew that she wasn’t going to be in labour for much longer and Gavin smiled at her as he watched her contently; he was aware that the baby was going to arrive very soon.

“We’ll have our little girl soon,” Gavin said making Phillip glare at him before he turned his attention back to Olivia, she was refusing his help and wouldn’t let him anywhere near her as her labour progressed.

“She isn’t yours… she’s Lionel’s,” Olivia snapped in pain making Gavin frown at her, he stared at the brunette as she groaned before shaking his head; he would teach Olivia a lesson later.

However it was the sound of a helicopter passing over head that made them fall silent, Gavin stared at the ceiling confused then he moved to the window and cursed at the sight of the police that were now gathering outside.

Phillip looked at the lawyer concerned, he didn't know what Gavin had planned now but he knew that it wouldn’t be good for him or Olivia and the baby.

“They’ve found us,” Gavin announced as he collected his hand gun and counted how many bullets he had, Olivia stared at him terrified as he turned his attention to her as she realised what he was planning to do.

“I’m so sorry sweetheart, but this is the only way…” Gavin said making the colour drain from Phillip’s face as he realised what the lawyer had planned; he had never thought that things would spiral out of control like this and now everything was falling apart.

“You can’t be serious… Gavin, you are a smart man, just hand yourself over,” Phillip pleaded as he tried to reason with the younger man as he started to load the gun.


Lionel pulled his car to a stop as he parked behind the police cars, he took a deep breath then he climbed from his car; he couldn’t believe that this was where Olivia had been held over the last week.

As soon as word had reached the Barcelona team that Olivia had been found, Gerard and Cesc were the first to join Lionel and his brothers as they raced to the site where Olivia was being held.

“Mr. Messi… you shouldn’t be here,” a policewoman said as she made her way over to the footballer who looked annoyed at the fact that they hadn’t gotten Gavin yet.

Lionel wanted to see his wife and no one was going to make him leave until he had been reassured that Olivia and the baby was safe; he had a bad feeling and he didn’t like it.

“Is she safe? Olivia, is she okay?” Lionel begged her for answers; however before she could answer a gun shot rang through the air making people shout out in alarm.

The colour drained from Lionel’s face as hundreds of horrifying thoughts came to mind; Gerard placed a hand on the Argentine’s shoulder to steady him as he swayed.

None of them had known that Gavin had a gun and it now was clear that this was going to be a standoff; the lawyer was going off the deep end and it wasn’t clear who was going to come out alive.

The policewoman licked her lips as she glanced at the footballer then back at the cabin, whatever had happened inside had just made things hundred per cent worse.


Olivia stared at Gavin petrified as her father lay on the floor groaning in pain, his hands clutching his stomach; she couldn’t believe what she had just witnessed and it was clear that he had finally snapped.

“Padre?” she called softly as tears filled her blue eyes, she might have hated what her father had done to her recently but that didn't mean that she wanted him dead.

Gavin sighed as he looked at Olivia as she started to cry, he hadn’t meant for this to happen; he hadn’t meant to do what he had done, but he didn't have a choice.

Olivia flinched away from him frightened as he sat in front of her; he started to cry making her stare at him wondering what had happened.

“I’m sorry… I just wanted us to be happy again, before Lionel… before all of this,” Gavin sobbed as he looked at her; Olivia stiffened as she pushed herself against the wall away from him as best she could as a contraction hit.

Gavin wiped away his tears as he watched her for a moment, he reached out a hand to touch Olivia but she flinched away from him; he sniffled as he looked down at the gun that was in his hands.

“Say me that you still love me,” Gavin pleaded to her softly, Olivia looked at him in disbelief that he would ask her such a thing after what he had done.

“Tell me that you still love me…” Gavin demanded now becoming desperate as he grabbed a hold of Olivia’s shoulder’s making her yelp in pain.

The sound of the police outside where making him desperate to hear the words that she had once told him, however she simply looked away from him unable to meet his eyes.

“Olivia tell me,” Gavin pleaded with her now as she started to cry, she shook her head; she couldn’t bring herself to utter the words that once upon a time she adored telling him.

“I can’t… I don’t love you anymore,” Olivia cried making Gavin stare at her heartbroken, he couldn’t believe that he had truly lost her love; he had always thought that he would have it no matter what he did.

The lawyer picked up his gun as tears fell down his face, Olivia watched him as he shook his head; he couldn’t believe that this was how it was all going to end.

“If you hadn’t met Lionel… do you think you’d still love me?” Gavin asked her making Olivia bit her lip, in all honesty if she hadn’t have met Lionel, then she would have married Gavin and be having his child; something that now made her feel incomplete.

“Then you leave me no choice… I love you Olivia and I’m so sorry,” Gavin said as he loaded the weapon that he was holding; the brunette stared at him as he raised it before she closed her eyes.

Olivia thought about how much that she loved Lionel and wished that she would have one last chance to tell him so; the next thing she heard was a bang.


Lionel stared at the policewoman as she tried to explain that they couldn’t just rush into the cabin now that it was known to them that Gavin was armed.

“What if he’s shot Olivia? She’s pregnant… I can’t lose my wife,” Lionel demanded making the policewoman shift nervously as she looked at the obviously agitated man.

Gerard and Cesc tried to calm Lionel down while his brothers’ spoke with the other officers on what would happen now, an ambulance was on standby for when they had taken the lawyer down.

“I know you’re upset Leo… but the officer’s only trying to help,” Cesc said softly as Lionel took a deep breath and nodded as he tried to calm himself, Gerard reminding him that if all went well that he would soon have Olivia and their daughter back with him.

Another people silencing gun shot was heard, everyone stood quietly wondering what had happened inside of the cabin; if he hadn’t killed his hostage before then it was clear that he had done so now. 

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