Chapter Two: Morning After

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Groaning as she woke up the next morning, Olivia’s head pounded as she buried it into her pillow; she swore that she’d never drink again, she hated having a hangover.

The brunette ached all over and she wanted nothing more than to stay in bed for the rest of the day; she smiled softly as she felt an arm wrap around her waist.

Olivia sighed as she turned over and cuddled into him, however she stopped as she looked at his chest; glancing up at the face of the complete stranger that certainly wasn’t her boyfriend.

The brunette squeaked as she rolled out of bed staring at him in shock; he definitely wasn’t her boyfriend and she had a horrible feeling about who he was.

Sitting up the man looked at her confused, he stared at her for a moment as if realising she wasn’t who he had expected to be in his bed in the morning.

“Where’s Sage?” the man demanded as he stared at the brunette, she sort of looked like his girlfriend of a year but she certainly wasn’t her.

Olivia held the sheet to her chest covering herself as she tried to figure out what the hell had happened last night, she looked at him again as she registered what he had asked her.

 “Sage?” Olivia squeaked making him nod as he covered himself as he stood picking up his boxers as he went; Olivia however felt sick as she realised what had happened.

Not only had she slept with someone who certainly wasn’t Gavin but she had a horrid feeling where this was going.

“Sí Sage… my girlfriend,” the man said looking at her like she was stupid; he had to admit though the woman before him looked a lot like his girlfriend of the past year.

“You’re Sage’s boyfriend…” Olivia said breathlessly, the man raised an eyebrow at her wondering why she looked so sickly now that she knew who he was.

“I’m her twin sister… Olivia,” the brunette said as she watched him, she couldn’t remember what Sage had said her boyfriend was called but she knew that they were in a lot of trouble.

Lionel stopped what he was doing as he looked at her completely, as last night crashing down on him as he quickly sat on his bed in shock; he had cheated on his girlfriend with her sister.

The footballer had never met Olivia before since she was always abroad and Sage didn’t want him meeting any of her family; she had said that her father didn’t approve of them dating.

They both sat quietly as they took in what had happened, both knowing that they would be in a lot of trouble if this got out.

“We didn’t… did we?” Olivia asked making Lionel nodded, he couldn’t believe he had done this to Sage; he loved her more than anything, she was someone who understood him.

Olivia cursed softly under her breath, she had never kept anything from Sage but she knew she had to keep this from her; it would kill Sage if she learnt that Olivia had slept with her boyfriend.

 Lionel sighed and glanced over at Olivia who was quickly changing back into her dress, he wasn’t sure what to do know especially since they were bound to bump into one another at some point.

“Let’s just pretend that this never happened…” Olivia said as she looked at him as she ran a hand through her hair; she couldn’t remember his name and she knew that it wouldn’t change anything anyway.

“Lionel,” the footballer said as he started to get dressed, he had a feeling that it wasn’t going to be that easy as they thought; at some point they were going to have face what they had done.

Olivia blinked as she tried to recall something that her sister had told her about him, she vaguely remembered Sage saying that she was dating a footballer; something that made Olivia feel even worse.

“We pretend this never happened… like we never meet before,” Lionel said making her nod at him as she slipped on her shoes as she prepared to leave his home before there were many people around, the last thing that she wanted was to be spotted leaving his home.

They both knew it was risky, things would be awkward when they finally did meet and Sage would be present; Lionel nodded, knowing that it was the only way for things to go without Sage getting hurt.


Gavin smiled as he heard his girlfriend stepping into their home, he had guessed that she had spent a night at a friends after celebrating the new year; he was a little upset that he hadn’t been able to spend it with her.

“Buenos días,” Gavin called as he got to his feet and checked that everything was perfect for Olivia, he had made her breakfast since he felt guilty for ditching her the night before.

The lawyer hurried into the hallway and grinned at his girlfriend, she looked a little worse for wear and he wondered how much she had drank the night before.

“I thought you’d be at work,” Olivia whispered as she looked at her boyfriend, she had hoped to avoid him this morning after what she had done.

Gavin shook his head as he took Olivia’s hand and led her into the kitchen, he didn’t notice that there was something off with his girlfriend and dismissed her mood as having a hangover.

“I made you breakfast,” Gavin said as he smiled, he showed Olivia what he had done and wrapped his arms around the brunette; he was happy that she had chosen to be with him when she could have any other man.

Olivia swallowed as she tried to ignore the feeling that guilt that threatened to drown her, she had known that this wasn’t going to be easy but she had never thought he’d be this sweet.

“Now I have to pop into the office for an hour or two… I’ll be home for dinner,” Gavin said as he pressed a kiss to her cheek before he collected his things and left, he was in a hurry and was glad he had seen Olivia before work.

Olivia stared at the breakfast that Gavin as she felt her world crash around her, she couldn’t believe that she had done that to him.

The brunette had grown to love her boyfriend in the years that they had been together, she had been pushed into dating him by her father and he didn’t deserve what she had done to him.

Olivia clapped a hand over her mouth as she took deep breaths, she couldn’t break down now and she needed to make sure that what had happened never happened again.

 The brunette took a deep breath as her Goldendoodle came running into the kitchen and wagged his tail excitedly at her; he had been stuck with Gavin all night and the lawyer didn’t like him.

The dog had been a gift from Olivia’s grandmother a couple of years ago and Olivia adored Toby and had no intentions of ever getting rid of him.

“Okay,” Olivia said as she took a couple of deep breathes, she wasn’t going to fall apart and she knew that she’d just have to deal with the guilt that she felt at having betrayed Gavin.

Her father had always told her that Gavin would be the perfect husband for her and would be able to provide for her when she had their children.

Olivia brushed her fingers though Toby’s mop-top fur and smiled, she knew that it was going to be a while before she truly forgot about her night with Lionel but it was for the best.

Their mistake would hurt too many people and Olivia wasn’t going to be to blame for her sister’s relationship falling apart, she wanted Sage to be happy and that was what mattered to her.

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