The Road So Far.

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"War,...War never changes."

You are. Courier 6. You do not remember your name, nor anything before those few moments before Benny, a head of one of three family's that help run Vegas, and his hired Great Khans lackeys shot you in the head and left you in a shallow, early grave.

But it seems that a higher power thought you shouldn't die just yet.

You were patched up in the small town of Goodsprings, and you set out on a quest for revenge.

But it seems that the call to help the good people and the many, downtrodded, unlucky folks of the wastes was a call you couldn't ignore if it was to save your life.

You aided the NCR troops who were posted in the Mojave Wasteland, screwed on their orders from back west, or taking down threats they couldn't take down on their own. You helped townspeople from all around New Vegas and their many issues, whether almost trivial to life saving. You even saved the lives of the very same Great Khan's who ambushed you in Goodsprings.

You obliterated the Powder Gangers, Scorpions, Jackals, Ghost People, Lobotimites, Feral Ghouls, mad super mutants, psychotic Nightkin, the Marked Ones, you even slaughtered entire Legion outposts.

Abominations of the wastes, from the lowly bloatfly to the durable Deathclaws, the sneaky Deathstalkers, the ferocious tunnelers, to those MOTHER FUCKING CAZADORES, you rained down upon them like the "Holy Ghost" those of Zion go on about.

You made some close friends that would follow you in your travels. You saved each of them, and always in more ways than one.

You even had a few adventures out of the Mojave that would help you grow, make more friends and even, though you didn't know it at the time, provide you with all the things you would need to rebuild Vegas, and make it better.

But your quest for vengeance, turned out to be more then you bargained for.

Mr. House, C.E.O. of RobCo. Industries and ruler of Vegas, made that perfectly clear when he invited you into the Lucky 38, his casino in which no one before you had gotten to see the inside of, let alone make their home.

It turned out that the platinum chip, the package you had been hired to deliver to the Strip on the night Benny robbed and then try to kill you, was the key to taking over Vegas.

You and your allies found him in the Tops casino, the place he ran, you cornered him and demanded answers.

Long story short? You ended up sparing the checker suited asshole. He then ran away, again. But not before giving you some useful advice that you ended up taking.

The advice Benny gave was that the only good future for New Vegas, is one that is not ruled by House, NCR, or Legion..... But someone who gave a damn about the people of Vegas.... None other than the Courier... You.

And he was right.

You gathered the support of the Boomers at Nellis, three families of Vegas, killing off all the Omerta's, and running off Mortimer the Cannibal, then the Brotherhood of Steel, then the Enclave survivor group known as the Remnants, then the Great Khans to aid you in the upcoming battle, the Second Battle of Hoover Damn.

You killed off House and took controls of all of his securitrons, with the help of Benny's creation Yes Man. Then using all the forces you gathered, and all your friends at your side, you obliterated all the remaining forces of the Legion.

Fallout: New America And Remnant (Courier 6 Male Reader x Fallout X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now