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"Everyone, check your emails," Amy announces looking up from her computer screen

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"Everyone, check your emails," Amy announces looking up from her computer screen. "The greatest thing that could happen has just happened." She smiles.

"The girl who beat you for High School valedictorian died?" Jake guesses.

"No, Kevin Cozner requests your presence at Raymond's birthday party'." Amy reads pointing to the words on her screen.

"Who's Kevin Cozner?" Y/N asks, looking up from her desk.

"Yeah, is he the star of 'Danzes with Wolvez?'." Jake laughs at his own joke.

"He's Captain Holt's husband. Captain Raymond Holt. Where invited to the Captain's birthday party." Rosa explains.

"Oh, the Captain's party and whatnot," Jake says as he looks to his computer screen searching for the email.

"I can't wait to see the inside of Raymond's house. I'm going to learn everything there need to know about him." Amy states.

"I bet it's really fancy, like Beauty and the Beast fancy," Boyle says as Amy nods in agreement.

"It's probably filled with old antiques and old people's stuff." Y/N suggests.

"No, it's probably just an empty, white cube with a USB port in it for him to plug his finger in when he's on sleep mode," Jake adds to the convocation.

"Apparently, my husband Kevin has invited you all to my party there is very little street parking, no gifts, and no singing of Happy Birthday. Should be fun." Captain proposes before walking back into his office.

"Sound fantastic." Amy smiles.

"Did you hear that? his husband invited us, not him. He so doesn't want us there." Jake explains as Amy's face drops.

"Yes, he does." Amy argues.

"Jake's right, it was kind of a last-minute invite." Y/N sighs folding her arms.

"Why wouldn't Holt want us there?" Charles asks.

"Its because Holt thinks where going to embarrass him in front of his husband, which, frankly, is insulting!" Jake stands up accidentally hitting over his cereal. "Oh, man. All the orange soda spilled out of my cereal." He sighs.


"Bam!" Jake yells as he drops a box onto the table. "Behold, my secret weapon for winning over Kevin."

"A box?" Asks Y/N before taking a bite of her sandwich.

"No, it's what in the box which is every grisly crime the nine-nine has worked in the past eight years. Civilians love juicy cop stories." Jake finishes as the crew grabs some files. "Oh, I call the murder where they strung fishing wire through three guys."

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