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I couldn't believe that I actually fucked Finley. I thought she would at least put up a fight or something, but I wasn't complaining. Hopefully she just didn't get attached or anything. Finley was a good girl, cool personality, nice body and all; but one thing I didn't do was date. The longest relationship I had was about five minutes long. I asked a girl to be my girlfriend through a text then realized there was no way in hell I could be committed. So when she replied all excited with emojis and other bullshit, I texted back, Just kidding, lmfao. Needless to say that girl didn't want to have shit else to do with me since. Maybe in the long run, I'll find someone to settle down and actually date; but I doubt that would anytime soon.

I watched the girl as she stared out at the pool, her cheeks a bright red. She wouldn't look over my way for nothing, and I found her shyness to be adorable. Most girls would've been all over me after I did what I just did, but not Finley. "We're still wet," she finally said breathlessly. I laughed at her statement and she finally looked over at me. Giving me a confused glare, Finley furrowed her brows to see just what I was laughing about. "What's funny?"

"Nothing. We can go back into the house and get some towels out of Jason's bathroom if you want to dry off, and change back into your clothes. That's only if you're willing to walk around half naked in a house full of horny people in their twenties." Finley let out a sigh as she looked over her choices. I could tell she wasn't too fond of the idea of walking through the house half-naked. She seemed like the type that didn't like showing off her body because she was too modest or something. Finley looked around our surroundings then let out a huff.

"You really want to go through there like that," she looked me up and down. I shrugged my shoulders. My body wasn't something I was insecure about, obviously. I didn't have as many features as Finley. I lacked having nice sized boobs, a nice ass, or flawless abs, unlike Finley. Scrawny and short was my body shape and it was something that I've learned to deal with and be confident about. Sure I could go to the personal gym in my penthouse and tone some things up, but why would I put myself under such a physical challenge? The only thing I did that was truly physical was fuck, and that was seriously all the exercise I needed.

"You really want to go through there like that," I mocked her exact words as I gave her the same look she gave me. Her cheeks flushed and she shook her head at me. "Doll, I've streaked at almost all of Jason's parties. These people know my body better than I know my own. Don't worry when we get in there, they'll just look at us as if it's completely normal. Trust me." Standing up from the ground, I held my hand out to Finley. She looked at my hand then up to my face. "Come on. I'll make sure no one touches you."

Finley reluctantly took my hand and stood up to her feet. "You promise," she asked. I bent down to pick up our clothes from the ground.

"I promise." We walked back into the house and of course everyone's eyes were on us. Everyone was cheering and wolf whistling and I just laughed along with it, but Finley seemed slightly bothered. She would flinch just about every time someone yelled. Every now and then she would squeeze my hand out of spite and I'd tighten my hold a bit more. We finally made it to the bathroom and luckily no one was in it. I found us some towels so that we could dry off and we changed back into our clothes.

"About what happened," Finley said when we started putting on our clothes again, "I don't normally do that. You were actually the only person I've done that with other than Nicky."

"You've only had sex with her before me?"

"Yeah. I mean, we've been together for a while and we never really broke up...until recently."

"I was obviously better than her, right?" I crossed my arms as I leant back on the wall. Finley giggled adorably but she shook her head at me. "What? You're telling me that she was better than me? I mean, I don't know what the hell your ex looks like; but look at this." I motioned towards my body which made Finley laugh.

"Honestly, you have nothing on, Nicky." I dropped my jaw at her statement. "Let's just say Nicky's a bit more built and she'd wipe the floor with you. And when it comes to sex, you're nowhere close to what she could do."

"Well, fuck you too," I said through laughter. "That wasn't even the best I could do. I guarantee you that next time we do that things will be different."

"Next time?"

"You'll come back for more. They all do."


I didn't want to wake up the next morning. After getting dressed last night, Finley and I did some dancing -which she was completely horrible at-and then we had to struggle to find a drunk Gavin and the date he brought. The both of them was wasted and it took Finley and I at least an hour to get them into the car. Gavin was an annoying drunk. All he wanted to do was play fight, sing and laugh and do other childish and annoying bullshit. When we finally got him in the car, he began singing "God Save the Queen" over and over again. Finley found this funny but I was really fucking annoyed. I thought about actually kicking him the fuck out. We had to drop off his date at her house and wait like fifteen minutes for her to get in. Finally, we got home, put Gavin in the bed, said goodnight, and went into our opposite rooms.

There really wasn't anything awkward going on between Finley and I after our little situation and I was happy about that. She claimed her girlfriend was better but I didn't really care, the jokes on her because last night I wasn't even really trying. I was just testing her out when I gave her the real deal it'll be a whole different story. Forcing myself to get out of bed, I trampled down the hall to Finley's room and knocked on the door to wake her up. I heard her groan and took that as a signal that she woke up. Waking Gavin up was the hard part since he was most likely having a hangover. I rushed into his room and jumped on top of him to hear a high-pitch scream come from his lips. "You sound like a bitch," I yelled in his ear, causing him to whimper.

"Why are you waking me up so early in the morning," he grumbled as he tried to push me off of him but failed. I laughed at his weakness which caused me to get a middle finger from the boy. "It's like 5AM," he continued to whine.

"Bitch, its 2PM. Now get the fuck up so we can go over to my parents' house and eat our asses off."

I got ready and waited for the two slowpokes to finish getting ready in the living room. Flipping through the television channels, I let out an annoyed groan. How the hell could I have so many channels and not have anything decent playing. I settled on some show about extreme couponing and sulked into the couch. It's been about an hour since I've woke up both Gavin and Finley and neither of them was ready, which was annoying. I was hungry and ready to see what just my parents' had cooked up this Sunday.

Finley and Gavin came out into the living room at just about the same time. Gavin looked tired as hell while Finley looked good as usual. "Are you ready," Gavin asked me.

"Am I fucking ready!? I've been ready for like an hour! Are you cunts ready!?" Standing up from the couch, I grabbed my keys off of the end table. "Let's go, kids."

When we arrived to my parents' house nearly everyone was there. My cousins, my uncles, my aunts, and some of Mom's good friends. "Zen," Mom yelled at me once I walked into the house. The house smelled so good that my mouth was already watering. "I know you come and see us every Sunday but you could at least call your mommy sometimes, right?" Mom looked past me and I turned around to see exactly what or who she was looking at. "Who's this?

"That's Finley. She's Alfie's sister. She's living with me until she can get back on her feet." Mom walked over to Finley and pulled her into a hug. My mom was very friendly. She never really raised her voice and I've never heard her talk bad about anyone. All she does is smile, and she's polite. Dad is the complete opposite. He'll talk shit about anyone and challenge anyone that steps in his way. He's nice if you're nice to him but if you test him then you've made a big mistake. So with that said, I obviously get most of my traits from my father.

"It's nice to meet you, Finley." She gave Finley another smile before bringing Gavin into a tight hug. Gavin had a huge smile on his face which made me sick to my stomach. He had a huge crush on my mother and always told me how much of a MILF she was. My mother was a beautiful lady, but it just feels weird when someone calls your mom 'hot.'

"Your father is cooking today. Everyone's in the family room. Why don't you go introduce Finley to everyone, Zen?" Mom patted me on the back before strutting off
into the kitchen.


Sorry, I know it's shorter than usual and not that much happened.

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