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It's been two months since I completed Jersey. I know I said there was going to be a sequel, but I can't really gather a plot for it. So, instead, here's a chapter for closure. I hope you guys aren't too mad at me, and that you enjoy it.


I shifted on my feet as I stood at the altar. My stomach kept doing backflips. How the hell did I even get here? How the hell did any of this happen? I never thought I would be getting married, especially not to Finley. When I first met her, we didn't get along at all. She was whiney, bitchy, and stuck on her ex, and I was just an asshole. I still am an asshole, but she had learned to tolerate me over the years. We both were no longer the same. We both matured. After her husband died, we worked on getting our relationship back together. Next thing, I know, two years later, I'm standing at the alter with a priest that looks like he's about to fall over dead. It was all surreal. So, many things have happened in two years. Rumor was now my daughter. There was no if, ands or buts about that. I'd give that little girl the world. But not only did I have a daughter, I also had a son with Val. His name was Gabrielo, which really pissed me off. Why couldn't it just be Gabriel? Oh yeah, because Val wanted to honor her 'Portuguese heritage.' Whatever the fuck that meant. It's not like she still lived in Portugal. We lived in gotdamn America, for Christ sake. The kid should have a gotdamn American name! Either way, I loved him dearly. He was two years old, and Rumor always was trying to baby him since she was such a profound, mature six year old. Val, Finley, Rumor, Gabrielo and I all lived in one house. You could only imagine how hectic things get. I can never win any arguments. Val claimed that we were best friends, but she always took Finley's side on arguments. For example, Finley gets mad when I don't wash the dishes. Why the fuck would I wash dishes when we have a gotdamn dishwasher? Both Val and Finley claim that dishwashers don't actually clean dishes properly. Then what the fuck? Why don't we downgrade to plastic plates, cups, and silverware? It was a bunch of bullshit if you asked me, but I digress.

I watched as the bridesmaids and groomsmen walked down the aisle one at a time with their partners. Our wedding was pretty traditional, but it was expensive as hell. Finley made sure she put a dent in my wallet. She made sure that we got some old church that was built in like the 1700s. It looked like a ghost could come and fuck me up the ass at any second. But, I didn't argue with her. She deserved her dream wedding, since hers and Beck's wasn't that significant. After the bridesmaids, and groomsmen walked down the aisle, it was time for Finley's matron of honor and my best man. Of course, I picked Gavin to be my best man. Alfie had begged and pleaded for me to pick him, but I gave him the run around all the way to the day of the wedding. I just broke the news to him this morning, and he was crushed. He was at least a groomsmen. It wasn't like I kicked him out of the wedding. Adrian wanted to be my best man, too, but there was no way I was going to let my brother be the best man. He'd fuck something up. I mean, all you have to do is walk down a damn aisle, but he'd still manage to ruin the whole wedding. Gavin wasn't the best either. He constantly ruined things, but at least he was funny while he did it. Adrian was just an asshole. Just like me. Finley's matron of honor, was Val. I thought she would pick Jade or Luna-who was now dating Gavin, don't ask-but she surprised us all. Gavin and Val walked down the aisle, arms linked with each other. The most awkward pair ever. They went to their respective positions. Suddenly, a shaky voice belted out, "All rise for the bride."

I nearly fainted as the pianist switched up the keys. There was a long wait, everyone stood up and stared at the entrance to the sanctuary. I gulped when Finley finally walked through the doors on her father's arm. She looked so beautiful. Since, we were being traditional, I never got to see her in her dress. But, now I finally could bestow my eyes on the beauty. The dress was probably the most modern thing about the ceremony. She didn't bother with a veil so I was able to see her stunning face. She had a huge smile on her face, as she looked at guest to guest who returned the smiles. A blush appeared on her cheeks from all the attention. I looked out to the crowd, and caught the eyes of my father. He gave me a slight nod, and I nodded back. Finally, Finley was helped up the steps by her father, and she was standing in front of me. I wanted to kiss her immediately, but I knew that I had to wait for the initial gesture from the priest. "You look so beautiful, baby," I whispered to her. She blushed, and looked towards the aisle. Rue was walking down with Gabrielo. They both were getting coos from the audience. Rue was throwing flowers all over the aisles, on people's feet, and even up in the air as Gabrielo held the rings on a pillow as if they were gold. He was walking so slowly, that he was at least a foot behind Rue. I covered my face as I laughed at the hot mess. Finley's mother hissed at the children, but Rue kept right on playing with the flowers. I started to wonder just how many she had.

Jersey (Lesbian Story)(GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now