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Before our lunch break, Alfie and I had gave our parents a call to tell them that we’d be over after work. Our parents were so excited, and from Mom’s voice I could’ve sworn she was going to cry. We rarely had any time together. Other than short conversations on the phone, I rarely talked to my parents; but when I did I always enjoyed them. I had the best parents in the world. They were always supportive of me, and gave me anything they possibly could. Same with Alfie. They adored us and in return we adored them back. It’s just sometimes you get so caught up in life that you don’t get to see the people you love on a daily basis.

“Does this look okay,” Jersey asked me. We were sitting in her office during our lunch break. She was drawing a tattoo that she had to do for a client once break was over, and I was sitting across from her, with my feet propped on her desk while eating a bowl full of strawberries. My girlfriend held up the drawing for me to look at it, and my eyes widened a bit when I saw just how detailed the picture was. It was the face of a man in his mid-forties, he had a big, bright smile across his face. The picture was realistic from the detail of his lips, to the shape of eyes, and to the size of his nose. Everything about the drawing was perfect but the more I looked at it, the more the man seemed familiar. My heart began to sink as Jersey gave me a crooked, and slightly arrogant grin, “Sick, right?”

“Oh, y-yeah, it’s s-sick alright,” I replied to the best of my ability. I felt like I was going to puke out all the strawberries I’ve eaten on Jersey’s desk. This couldn’t be happening. She could be tattooing anybody anything but this.

“You sure? It looks just like him, right?” Jersey held up the actual picture of a man on a sheet of printing paper. She was right. Her drawing matched up exactly with the picture. Every detail was exactly the same and even though I was amazed by her skill, I just wanted to puke. “Are you okay, baby,” Jersey asked as she finally put down the pictures and scrunched her brows worriedly at me.

“I-I’m fine,” I managed to get out. Jersey gave me a slight smile and then looked back down at her drawing proudly.

“Yeah, this girl rung my business phone at like three in the morning and told me her father had just died. She wanted me to tattoo him on her bicep in his memory. I scheduled her for an appointment and she sent me in a picture of her dad in an e-mail. I’ve been working on it since she had called. To be honest, neither Alfie nor I got much sleep last night after you went M.I.A.” I gulped and removed my legs from off of Jersey’s desk so I could sit up straight. I didn’t feel good at all. I knew exactly who that girl was and I knew that shit was going to go down once she got here.

“I-uh…strawberries,” I excused myself from Jersey’s office and ran into the bathroom. Busting in a stall, I lifted the lid of the toilet and began gagging. I was bent over the toilet, gagging but nothing came out. Not a drop of strawberries, or anything. After a while, I gave up and just pressed my back against the door of the stall. My breathing began getting out of controlled. I was trying to breathe deeply and calmly but instead, I was breathing unevenly and rapidly. My hands shook as I began fanning myself and I exited from the small stall. I paced around the bathroom as I tried to regain my breath. My heart was pounding, but at the same time my stomach was twisting and turning and after a while of pacing, I began sweating. This couldn’t be happening. I was so fucking stupid. I should’ve just told the truth about my whereabouts last night, but I didn’t. Now, Nicky was coming to get tattooed by Jersey and Nicky and Jersey in the same room couldn’t be good. There was no way in hell this could end up right.

It seemed like the three months I’ve been with Jersey was all rainbows and sunshine, but now things were crashing down. I’ve been arrested and I’ve gotten into my first fight, and now Nicky was coming back into my life. The only good thing that had happened was that Jersey and I confessed we loved each other; but something told me that, that wouldn’t last long. Something was going to happen. I felt absolutely sick with apprehension. Nothing after this point could be good. Everything was going downhill.

Jersey (Lesbian Story)(GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now