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I stared blankly at the overly cheerful woman in her baby blue uniform. She had a smile about a mile wide and the goofiest blue eyes ever. Her blonde hair was in desperate need of a brush. She looked more like a strung out patient than a worker. Dad and Gavin dropped me off to Pinedale Rehabilitation Facility. It was in the middle of nowhere. Dad told me that this was going to change my life. He was overreacting. When Gavin and Dad dropped me off, I didn’t dare say a word to any of them. They forced me up to the front desk, and left me there with my stuff since I wouldn’t say anything. This blonde, middle-aged woman began directing me around the facility. I admit the place looked a bit glamorous. It looked like a place where an addicted superstar may reside. There were palm trees out front and pools and Jacuzzis in the back. It almost resembled a resort. But I knew it wasn’t. I knew because every so often, I would past by a crazy motherfucker. Someone who couldn’t stop rubbing their nose, or scratching their arms. This place was somewhere for drug addicts. I wasn’t a drug addict. Sure, I’ve been relying on drugs for the past couple of months, but I could’ve stopped if I really wanted to.

I didn’t know how long I would have to stay here. I didn’t ask Dad since I was giving him the silent treatment. I could be here for months. Hopefully, I wouldn’t though. Two weeks is the maximum I could spend in this dreadful place. “This is our recreational room. Here you can come and watch television, play board games, and talk amongst your peers.” I tuned the woman out as she led me through the rest of place. There was a gym, a cafeteria, a library and there was a bunch of rooms that almost resembled classrooms. The place was like a hybrid of a prison, nursing home and school. I hated it. Blonde lady finally guided me to my room. “We’re running short on rooms, so you’ll have to share yours.” Fuck no! Oh fucking no!

“Say what?” The lady laughed at me and opened the bedroom door. I walked in with my luggage with a frown on my face. My roommate wasn’t present, but it seemed like they had already settled in. There was no luggage on their side of the room. Everything was neat and there were a couple of family portraits on their dresser. I sighed and sat my things down in front of my bed. On my bed, I saw a schedule that went all the way from Monday to Sunday. What the fuck? I scanned over the schedule. From 8 in the morning until 9 at night, there was something to do every day.

8 AM – 10 AM – Breakfast

10:10 AM – 12:10 PM – Group Therapy (Room 109)

12 PM – 2 PM – Lunch

2:10 PM – 3:10 PM – One-on-one counseling (Room 211)

3:20 PM – 5:20 PM – Lecture (Room 208)

5 PM – 7 PM – Dinner

8 PM – 9 PM Recreational Room Activities

10 PM – 12 AM – FREE TIME


You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Every day was the same fucking schedule, except for Sunday. Sunday was basically a free day, but in the mornings, we had to go through group fucking prayer. The fuck do I look like praying in a fucking group? All of this was silly. 12 AM was our bedtime. I wasn’t a fucking kid. There were certain times to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. What if I didn’t want to fucking eat during those times? There was a lecture. I’ve already fucking graduated. I shouldn’t have to sit through anymore lectures in my damn life. “What is this shit,” I yelled at the woman a bit angrily. I knew it wasn’t her fault that I was in here, but still, I was mad. I was thrown into this place and for what reason?! Just because I popped a couple of pills and snorted a few lines. This was just all overwhelming. I wanted go back home and just rest. I wanted to sleep in my own bed.

Jersey (Lesbian Story)(GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now