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I nearly had a heart attack when I saw Finley going through my phone. There was some really fucked up shit that she didn’t need to see and that I didn’t want her to see. A bunch of texts were in there from girls and those texts weren’t exactly clean. Some girls sent me suggestive texts, and pictures but it’s not like I ever requested them. Those girls were just whores from my past. Sometimes I would reply to them for entertainment, but it’s not like I’ve ever had sex with them. Last night was the only night that I had physically got with another girl other than Finley. And honestly, I regretted it. There was no thought into what I did last night. I was just being a dumbass. I got head from a chick and then went back to sleep with my girlfriend. I know it was fucked up but it’s not like I could take it back or anything. “What the fuck are you doing,” I said once I approached Finley. I snatched my phone from her grasp and my stomach turned. Shit, she saw the messages. “Fin, if you’ll just let me explain.”

“There’s nothing to explain. Just leave me alone,” she said before jumping up from the bed. Her face was as red as a beet, and she was shaking. I could feel the heat radiating off of her body. I’ve never seen her so angry. She pushed past me and into the wardrobe in the room. I followed down behind her, not caring how angry she was at me. I was at least going to try to explain myself, even though she was probably going to leave me anyways.

“I’ve never cheated on you…except for last night.”

“Texting other girls secretly and getting them to send you naked photos of themselves is cheating, Zen!” I watched as she frantically stuffed her clothes into a duffle bag. “And it’s fucked up that you would have sex with me after you had sex with another girl. How could you just tell me you love me?”

“I can just tell you that I love you because I do you, Finley!” Suddenly, one of my own shoes flew right past my head Thankfully, Finley had bad aim.

“Don’t fucking lie to me!”

“I’m not lying to you, Fin.” Finley briskly walked out of the wardrobe and I followed behind her. She turned around, obviously annoyed by me. “If you’d just calm down, I’ll explain everything to you. Just give me a second chance. You’ve given Nicky chance after chance-” Once again, Finley threw something at me but this time whatever it was hit me right in the face. I groaned as I grabbed my jaw. “Stop throwing shit!” Of course she didn’t listen. The girl was basically in hysterics. She crying and throwing anything that she could find at me. She wouldn’t stop until I grabbed her by her wrists, and pushed her up against the wall.

“Let me go,” she yelled before kicking me right in the shin. I rolled my eyes and groaned at the pain, but I kept the girl pinned against the wall at the best of my ability. She was stronger than me, but I could manage holding her down. “Let me the fuck go,” she yelled. She began becoming more aggressive, and I could see the flow of tears increasing.

“Give me another chance,” I replied calmly, but she just resisted more. She didn’t want anything to do with me and that was clear. “I swear that none of those girls meant shit to me. Finley, you’re the only girl that I love. You’re the only girl that I’ve ever loved, and all I want you to do is hear me out. Please.” She finally stopped kicking and trying to fight me, and I loosened my grip from around her wrists. Her eyes were still distant, and the tears were still falling but at least she wasn’t being violent anymore.

“What hurts is that I never thought that you would cheat on me. I thought I had changed you for the better. I thought I was the only girl you needed in your life. But then today, I saw those messages, and those pictures, and realization hit me. You hadn’t changed one bit. This whole time you were nothing but a façade. You played me just as skillfully as you can play that guitar of yours. But, it’s not your fault, it’s mine. I was an idiot. I’ve always been an idiot when it came to relationships.” I slowly let go of Finley’s hand, and she quickly went back to packing her things without a word. I was speechless. She had it all wrong. I wasn’t playing her. I truly loved her, but I’ve made dumbass decisions. Now she was leaving me, and there was nothing I could do. All I could do was watch her pack her things.

Jersey (Lesbian Story)(GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now