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It was the big day. After two more weeks of Finley’s chemotherapy, it was finally time for everything to be over. I was excited but yet nervous and I could tell Finley was, too. We drove to the hospital in silence. I kept one hand on the steering wheel, and let her hold the other. Rumor was in the backseat, quiet as ever. She knew how serious this was even at such a young age. The surgery wasn’t expected to be long. The doctor explained it could be as quick as fifteen minutes or as slow as forty-five minutes, but she assured us that everything would be fine. Even with reassurance, of course my stomach still turned at the thought that some freak accident might happen.

We arrived at the surgical section of the hospital and Finley signed in. I took her hand and led her over to the supportive group of people who had made it there before we did. Alfie was scolding Piper about something while she laughed at him. He wasn’t the most intimidating father. Jade and Val were talking as they both held magazines. Adrian was chatting with Morgan, whom had just got back about a week ago (week ago). She stayed with Finley, but for some reason she spent a lot of time at my house. She and Adrian got along really well. Gavin and Luna were playing some stupid two-player game on Gavin’s phone while my parents and Finley’s parents chatted. Nearly everyone was there except some people from the parlor, but that was only because today was a Thursday, which meant it was a workday. They volunteered to continue to work while Gavin, Alfie and I supported Finley.

“Good morning, everyone,” Finley said in the most optimistic voice that she could. She gave everyone a warm smile and sat down in a chair beside Val. I had nowhere to sit so I sat on the floor in front of her, and I could hear Rumor whispering to Piper about how silly I was for sitting on the floor. Everyone responded to Finley’s greeting and Val stood up from her chair.

“You can sit here, Zen,” she offered but I quickly shook my head. No way was I going to let her sit on the floor. We had just found out that she actually was pregnant and I didn’t want anything bad to happen to her or the baby. Val reluctantly sat back down and Finley smirked as she patted her lap. I laughed and shook my head at her gesture just as a woman clothed in baby blue walked over to us.

“Hi. Finley Gordon?” I flinched at the last name. Finley stood up and the nurse gave her a sweet smile. “It’s time to come on back. You can bring someone with you if you want to. We’re going to mark where we’re going to make the incision and insure that your body is in good condition for surgery, but once we start giving the anesthetic whoever it is, will have to come back.” I glanced over at Finley’s parents. I expected one of them to get up and go with their daughter, but I saw them staring at me expectantly. I pointed to myself and they nodded slowly. Getting up from the dirty hospital floor, I went to stand beside Finley. I wasn’t sure what we were. All we did was kiss, talk and flirt; but we never really made it official again. Finley linked her arm with mine and we followed behind the nurse. I could hear the supportive group of friends and family cheering her on.

They didn’t let me stay back there for long. I got to stay long enough to see a nurse draw markings on the breast Finley was getting operated on. She explained that the markings located where the incision would take place. That was when I basically got kicked out. “Now, you have to leave. All we’re going to do is put her in the sleep and in a matter of time you’ll get to see after the surgery,” the woman said in a cheerful voice. I stood up from the chair that I was sitting in and turned towards Finley. I leant down and kissed her forehead.

“Are you ready to be cancer-free,” I asked her with a bit of smile.

“Been ready.” The nurse dragged me out by my arm, which was pretty fucking rude and unnecessary. I think she just wanted an excuse to touch me. I mean, I saw the way she was batting her eyelashes at me when she was making those marks on Finley’s breast. Once again, I was back in the waiting room and out with everyone else. I sat down beside Val and jumped into her and Jade’s conversation about the importance of an education. Val was arguing that everyone should get a college education while Jade was listing all the jobs you could get without going to college.

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