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It hurt to let Zen go for good, but it was for the best. I needed some time alone. I needed to be alone. None of my relationships worked out because I always fell so hard and stupidly. I put my heart before my mind, and now here I was. I had my heartbroken for the third time. I knew it hurt Zen for me to leave her life for good and it's obvious that she's been hurting for the past couple of months. She was relying on drugs which caused her to act differently. I just hope that she could get clean and learn from her arrest. I wanted the best for Zen, and the best wasn't me.

I didn't know what I wanted. I was confused. Everything was confusing. I didn't know how I felt about anything. My current, soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend was currently being kept in a jail cell and was awaiting trial to possibly go to prison for 8 years. Everything Morgan said was lie. Again, I was confused. Did she really go to college? How did she manage to get caught up in running a prostitution ring? I had questions that I wanted to ask her before I ended things, so after seeing Zen, I went to see Morgan.

She approached with a guard on her arm. Even though she was in jail for days, her hair was neatly groomed, and her hideous orange outfit fit nicely. She grabbed the phone and put it to her ear. "I'm sorry," was the first thing she said. "I shouldn't have lied to you. I did go to college, but I got kicked out for getting in a fight in a big fight with my roommate. My parents basically neglected me so I was on my own. I had a friend who was deep in some dark shit. He was telling me about a bunch of girls who gave themselves away for fees. They didn't have anyone to lead them so I stepped in. I found the busiest streets with most filthy men, and I put the girls to work. It's not like they were forced. They liked what they were doing and they liked the money. Finley, I didn't have sex with any of them. They were possibly disease infested. Anyways, cops caught on to what I was doing and they made it a bigger deal than what it was. So I fled back home. I saw you at the club and I hadn't stopped thinking about you since. I'm in love with you, Finley. I may have lied about my past but I'm not lying about my feelings. You mean the world to me." Morgan cleared her throat and looked away from me. "I'm going to be in prison for a while, no matter how good of a lawyer I get. I heard the max was 8 years. Statistics say that women usually get a shorter prison time than men. I may get the minimum of 5 years, but that's beyond the point." Morgan cleared her throat before looking back at me with her piercing eyes. "I want you to move on. Don't wait for me. You deserve better than me. You deserve better than Jersey, and you deserve better than Nicky. You're so damn beautiful, Finley. I promise I'll write you every week of my sentence if you want me to."

I wanted to cry again, but I held back the tears. I needed to stop crying. I had to be strong even though I was going through some fucked up relationships. "Okay. I forgive you. I'll write back if you write me. I'll move on," I agreed.

Morgan gave me a sweet smile before nodding her head. "Okay," she replied softly. "I would ask you to come visit me, but I'll be facing federal charges. I could be anywhere in the country, but I promise I'll write you. And you better write back like you said you would." Morgan pointed at me on the other side of the glass. I laughed a bit as I nodded.

"I will, Morgan."

"Also, Fin, I stashed some money under our bed. It's old money from my 'business' in Georgia. There's a few grand. You can have it all. Keep up the rent at our place or get another. You can have my car, anything of mines is yours." I looked at Morgan in disbelief. Was she really going to let me have her car and money? Wouldn't she need those things when she got out.

"Morgan, when you get out of prison, you're not going to have anything to your name. Sure, I'll use your car, but when you get out, I'll give it back. I'll hold onto your money until then, too." Morgan began to argue, but a guard yelled before she could.

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