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"is he sleeping?"

"no you imbecile, he's checking his eyelids for cracks."

"well flip me over and fuck some knowledge into me!"

"woah, woah! calm down yoongi."

yoongi nodded his head and apologized. "sorry, joon, i'm just worried is all."

namjoon smirked at him. "well well! yoongi over here is not so emotionless as we thought!"

"aish! shut it. i'm just worried because he passed out right in front of me. and look at all those scars."

"yeah, he's in quite a lot of pain." namjoon said. "w-wait he's moving."

jimin slowly opened his eyes to the men studying at him.

he blinked a few times before panicking at one of the men reaching out towards him.

he started to hyperventilate.

"h-hey, calm down. you're okay." namjoon tried.

"p-please don't hurt me!" he cried out as his tail wrapped around him and his ears fell.

yoongi looked at him confusingly before shaking his head. "no no! we won't hurt you. we're trying to help."

jimin sniffled and wiped his eyes. "s-sorry." he muffled.

"h-hey, it's alright. i'm yoongi, and t-this is namjoon, he's a doctor."

jimin looks at the two males and slowly nods.

"so...do you have a name?" namjoon asked, being as gentle as ever when he took the younger's hands into his own.

jimin jumped a little, but relaxed when namjoon rubbed his fingers across his knuckles.

the young hybrid nodded and sat up slowly. "j-jimin." his hoarse voice said. "my name's jimin."

"okay! great, jimin. do you by any chance, have an owner?"

jimin swallowed thickly. he didn't know whether he should lie or tell the truth. he feared the two would somehow find the man and return him.

sensing that something was wrong, namjoon nodded to himself.

"...did, by any chance, your owner do this to you?" he spoke softly and gestured to the many bruises that littered jimin's body.

jimin sobbed quietly and shook his head. "y-yes. i r-ran away." he confessed.

namjoon sighed. it seemed like a touchy subject, so he chose not to go too far into it.

he stood up and led yoongi out of hearing. "do you plan on keeping him?" he asked the mint haired male.

yoongi really wasn't sure. he wouldn't mind having company, since he's been lonely and always claim he's bored, but would he be able to take care of a hybrid?

"i'll have to think about it namjoon. i'll let you know if I decide otherwise."

namjoon nodded and gave yoongi some tips and if he needed any additional help or information to just call him.

"he does have a broken arm and a sprained ankle, not to mention the many scars and bruises. yoongi, please make sure to make him feel better and take extreme care for him, okay? he also looks sensitive so make sure not to pry too much."

yoongi thanked namjoon and waved him off after he bid his goodbyes and so did jimin.

jimin stared sadly at yoongi. he didn't think the older would want him there. he was a hybrid, a runaway at that.

yoongi took notice at the hybrid's state and smiled softly at him. he sat next to jimin on the couch and took his hand.

"are you okay?" he asked.

the younger nodded, but winced slightly when he moved his arm.

"i-i'm okay. s-sorry for c-coming here." he sniffled.

yoongi frowned slightly and ruffled his hair. "hey, don't worry about it for now. what was your name again?" he asked.

"park jimin."

"jimin." yoongi repeated, adjusting to the name.

"w-what's yours?" jimin asked hesitantly.

"i'm yoongi. do you have an age?"

jimin nodded and answered, "23."

yoongi then told him he was, "25."


yoongi was a bit lost. he didn't know what to do with jimin or what to say to him.

the hybrid was now in the bathroom, taking a bath. yoongi offered since he was still scratched up and they had only tended his broken arm and sprained ankle.

at first, jimin had declined. he didn't want to be a burden to yoongi, but the man insisted.

just as yoongi turned off the stove for dinner, a little "y-yoongi?" sounded.

he looked up to see jimin's head poking from around the wall with his ears perked up.

"yes, jimin?" yoongi asked. "you can come out you know."

jimin gave yoongi a confused face and shook his head and told no. yoongi figured jimin was just shy and pleaded him to just come out, so jimin did.


"oh shit!"

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