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yoongi just looked around on everyone's faces. "uhm, are we going to eat yet?"

jimin and jungkook shot up, running over to the guests. "it's our parents!!"

they both yelled happily, hugging the two tightly and nuzzling them.

"so...we're not going to eat?" yoongi stuck his head out in confusion. in all honesty, he could care less. it seemed that the two hybrids were happy, and it no doubt made yoongi happy. but nothing beat food for yoongi besides sleep.

and well, jimin too.

"be respectful!" this time, jin whacked yoongi with a spatula. yoongi just rolled his eyes and stood up.

even though they're reuniting after so long, the two hybrids could never forget their parent's faces.

yoongi observed them, cracking a smile at the close resemblance, but quickly pursed his lips afterwards.

the woman being quite shorter than her husband. from the smile on her face, it was quite evident jungkook got his smile from his mother, but height from his dad.

even though he loomed taller than his wife, jimin noticeably got his eye smile and soft features from their dad.

"well sit, sit!" jin invited his guests over to the dinner table.

"well, i'm sure you all want answers-"

"nonsense!" jin interrupted the lady and shook his head. "we'll share this meal first, and then share our stories."

a hour and a half passed with nothing but light chatter made around the table.

although yoongi was skeptical, he still conversed with everyone. that being said, he only spoke when spoken to.

let's just say he wasn't a big fan of jimin and jungkook's parents.

"so mom! you've seen i've got taller than you!!"

"yeah! and me too-" jungkook raised his hand and waved it around excitedly, as a kid wanting their parents to acknowledge them would.

"dad owes me a million dollars!! he said that if i'd ever grow taller than mom, then he'd give it to me!"

jin enjoyed the family talk, listening to their memories and overall happy that they were all reunited.

yoongi wasn't too fond of them. and the elders were aware. not once had he said anything to them. not a smile or chuckle came from yoongi.

throughout the dinner he just sat, ate, and watched to put it simply.

however, the hybrid's parents weren't the only ones who noticed yoongi's behavior.

"i mean, c'mon tae. i know i wasn't the only one who didn't care to hear what they had to say."

taehyung just sipped his drink and sat down on the bench next to yoongi. "actually, you were."

"well thanks." yoongi squinted his eyes before rolling them.

"i just...don't want them around jimin or jungkook."

taehyung gave his brother a weird look. "seriously hyung, don't stress so much about it. they haven't seen their boys in sixteen years! wouldn't you want them to come and live with you too?" he took a seat next to yoongi and rubbed his back.

yoongi laid his head on his brother's shoulder and let out a sigh. "..you're okay with jungkook going?" he asked and looked up at taehyung.

"well.. yes." the younger male nodded slowly and played with yoongi's hair. "as long as he's happy, i'm happy"

a/n: love you mini
mochi children  💛💙

stay well and thanks
for sticking with me!

p.s. i'm getting chapters
ready for the taekook
and yoonmin books
earlier in advance!

that means i'll be able
to update consistently for you guys



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