¡! help wanted !¡

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welcome mini mochi children! hehe, your author is here~!

i hope everyone is doing okay and feeling good.

sorry that this isn't an update 😅 it should be out soon, but i need help from you all!

this summer, i plan on writing a two new books! yes, i know there might be questions or concerns.

especially since i don't have consistent updates with this book 😅, however! i will try my best and hardest. have faith in me please (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ

one of the books will be taekook because, HELLO WE ALL NEED IT–

but i've been wanting to do one for the longest! i just have doubts in myself and writing sometimes (≧ヘ≦)

anyways, i won't be giving any details about it, but i will publish the first chapter hopefully soon and will LOVE to hear you guy's feedback on it. if that isn't too much to ask, hehe 🙃

on to the next book, of course, it'll be yoonmin. BUT! i'm having trouble deciding :( i have really want to do a ddlb with them and i have two ideas..

( idea 1 ) → in which yoongi is a preschool teacher and jimin is his assistant
( idea 2 ) → yoongi works at 'little land' its a shop for ddlb relations and jimin visits there. you can also adopt littles and apply to be a daddy :') P. S., I LOVE THIS IDEA

i also have other yoonmin ideas but just cannot pick!!!!

> in which yoongi & jimin have a best friends with benefits relationship
> a church boy! jimin & local bad boy! yoongi au ( which i have half of the first chapter done )

guys, i have many other ideas. i need so much help. ORRRR should i make the others into short stories??

please comment and help your author out 😥

anyways, i love you guys so much! stay healthy throughout the summer 💜 don't be afraid for changes, cause your author is and honestly, simple/small changes can make a huge difference. you can feel better about yourself physically and emotionally

remember to smile always ✨ you never know what your radiant smile can do for yourself and others 💛🌈

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