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a week after christmas and after their drunken new year's night, the men all returned to their respective lives.

yoongi was in his office working, while jimin played with shooky and chimmy together. he imagined they were both him and yoongi, even making a bracelet for his chimmy to match the real one yoongi gave him.

the hybrid started to get bored quickly, and sat up on the couch to watch a movie. he didn't want to disturb yoongi because he was working and it was his job, so jimin sighed and just decided to call his brother and see what he was up to.

jungkook answered after the second ring and greeted jimin happily. "hey hyung! what's up?"

jimin smiled at the younger's voice and sat up on the couch. "hey kook! i'm very, very bored, could you come over please?"

jungkook took a few seconds before responding. "sure hyung, just give me a bit and we can go out and do something."

they talked for a little more before jimin hung up and went to shower. once he was out, yoongi still hadn't came out of his study, so jimin didn't want to bother the older, and went to yoongi's room to change into a big sweater and jeans.

jimin got dressed and waited for jungkook, who arrived in a few minutes.

"where's hyung?" he questioned once he walked inside. jimin hummed and smiled. "in his study, he's been working and i didn't want to bother him."

jungkook nodded and grabbed jimin's hand, leading them out of the door. "let's go~"

"well first, i'm glad to see you so happy!" jungkook smiled and bit into his strawberry ice cream.

jimin nodded and smiled. "i can say the same about you! jin hyung did nicely." he giggled.

jungkook blushed and shook his head. he was flustered with the idea of thinking he was any better than he used to be. "i honestly feel like i haven't paid him back enough..for all that he's done."

"oh please! jin hyung practically thinks he gave birth to you." jimin chuckled. "and besides, he's more than happy with you! as much as you're achieving at such a young age is amazing, who wouldn't be appreciative of you? yoongi told me all about his bragging about you, always telling people how successful you are and you still think you haven't done enough for him?"

the hybrid actually thought about his brother's words for a moment. "i mean, i understand that, but wha-"

"but what?" jimin questioned confused.

"jin hyung basically risked his life for me." he shrugged. "i mean, think about it for a second. a runaway hybrid he finds on his way home - and not to mention i'm a bunny hybrid, one of the most frowned upon - but he comes by and takes me home, asking his parents to keep me, and they said no. hyung refused to leave me alone in the streets, so he begs and begs his parents for me to stay, only for them to say no again and make him choose between me and them? his own blood and real family, and choose me, a lonely little hybrid, and all for what? to get kicked out on the street with nothing, just as i was."

jimin wiped both of their tears away and giggled. "and that just proves my point further! to be one of the top fashion designers as a hybrid at all is a great accomplishment! jin hyung is proud, i'm proud of what you've become, hell, everyone is!...oops." he squeaked and covered his mouth.

"thanks hyung, i needed that.." jungkook nodded and finished his cone.

"anytime gguk~" jimin teased and the younger blushed lightly. "hey! only tae can call me by that!" he laughed lightly and stood up.

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