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"jimin?" yoongi tilted his head and squeezed jimin's cheeks.

"hyung! finally!" jimin immediately hugged yoongi. his grip tightened within every second, not wanting to let go. "you came back!"

yoongi was quite surprised. he never really left anywhere. "what do you mean come back? i've only went to work!" he stroked jimin's soft hair and looked jimin in the eyes.

jimin nuzzled yoongi and shook his head. "y-you left me! please never leave me hyung! i'm sorry for what i did, b-but plea-"

"wait, wait!" yoongi shook his head and chuckled. "i'd never leave you jimin! and i was only at work!

jimin looked at him confused, a slight pout on his lips. "you only work on your computer or laptop! j-just tell me the truth!" he pouted even more.

yoongi chuckled and kissed jimin's pout. "alright! to prove it to you, we'll visit tomorrow. that way you can see what i do at work and i can prove myself innocent!"

jimin hummed excitedly, ready to go to work with yoongi. he was actually pretty intrigued.

wondering what his hyung did outside of home, jimin found himself truly interested.

and that's what led him here with the man himself.

a large set of double doors made of oak wood, and two giant handles of gold finish decorating them.

"just the outside looks so amazing!" jimin said as he hopped up and down in his cat hoodie and jeans. "let's go! let's go!" he opened the doors that revealed yoongi's office.

"wow~" jimin's eyes widened. "so huge! like your dic-"

"good morning mr. min!" a beautiful woman walked in and bowed respectfully, doing the same to jimin.

she handed yoongi a coffee and some papers. "here's that stack you wanted, i also finished that report you wanted and checked over the recent send-ins." she smiled warmly to yoongi.

the confused kitten just stood there, not knowing what to do or say. who was this woman? why is she so good-looking? why was she so close to yoongi?

all types of thoughts came to jimin's mind. but never once did the word 'assistant' or 'secretary' cross his mind.

"thanks jieun!" yoongi smiled back brightly and pat her head. "i'll be in my office if you need me!" she giggled and waved to jimin before leaving to the office next to yoongi's.

the older male hummed softly and sat down at his desk chair. "you can have a seat jimin, no need to stand." he looked up confused.

"who was she?" he walked over to one of the giant chairs and balled into it. he had a slight pout on his lips. "how long has she been working for you? why is she so nice and pretty? and she looks so young! why yoongi? why?" jimin began to whimper and fidget in the chair.

yoongi chuckled as he sipped his warm coffee and tapped away at the computer displayed in front of him. "don't worry jimin. i can tell you're jealous~" he teased and glanced at the hybrid.

"a-am too!" he tried to fire back, but obviously made a mistake. "well yes! she's messing with my human! MINE!" jimin squinted and sat up.
"she's into girls jimin." yoongi leaned back in his chair and shook his head. "women only." the older chuckled. "but it's nice to know you consider me as yours." he winked, leaving the kitten with bright pink cheeks.

as lunch rolled around, jimin sat on yoongi's desk, playing kleptocats.

yoongi saved his work and stood up, tapping jimin's ear. "lunch time!" he said and walked over to the door.

the kitten hopped up and bounced excitedly. "yes! i'm starving." he licked his lips hungrily as yoongi chuckled.

"to the break room~" jimin jumped on yoongi's back and the older carried jimin to the large room filled with delicacies. the kitty was practically drooling onto yoongi's shoulder.

"oh wowie!!" his tail swished back and forth. "I'll grab the plates and you tell me what you want." yoongi began walking down the tables, picking up food as he went.

yoongi being the big boss there, he of course got many stares. some from the women and even men who was wooed by him. some of them from the kitten clinging to yoongi's back - they found him absolutely cute and adorable. unfortunately, there were also the stares of disgust.

as yoongi sat their plates down and let jimin off his back and into a seat, a voice was heard among the light chatter. "i didn't know it was bring your pet to work day.." the man snickered, his co-workers joining in.
on the other hand, everyone else turned to yoongi, the male's head snapping around quickly. "the hell did you just say?"

he stood up and tilted his head, walking up to the young publisher who quite literally shaking. "m-m-m-mr. m-min! hello!!" he quickly bowed over and over while clasping yoongi's hand.

"p-pet?" jimin whispered to himself. yoongi's assistant came over and hugged jimin, comforting him. "don't worry about that asshole, min's got him." she reassured, stroking jimin's ears to calm him.

"ah, mr. san, worst employee ever.." yoongi scoffed and crossed his arms. "would you care to explain yourself? calling jimin a 'pet' when clearly, he's a hybrid. he has all the rights as we do. i mean c'mon, it's the 21st century! i'd expect better behavior than a damn three year old, yet i hear this idiotic nonsense and shit from a mouth as dirty as yours! don't return to work monday." he checked his watch. "thirty minutes in collecting your worthless belongings, i'll be taking back your titles in this company. expect yourself to not be able to find another publishing job in all of south korea. good evening!" yoongi walked back to jimin, throwing another glance to the co-workers who laughed. "15 minutes for you all! and oh, don't forget, what's done in the dark must come to light. who's the one jay calls his 'pet?' oh yeah! it's you, bitch. i guess you really are one, good day." he was ruthless, but he remained professional.

yoongi returned to his table, jimin immediately curling up into yoongi's lap. "thank you so much yoongi hyung!" he purred and leaned against yoongi's chest.

"no problem baby, now let's eat. i'm starving!"

a/n: oofles- i've missed you guys so much!!

i'm sorry that this took so long. but yE AutHoUR over here, had got sickies really bad. then i had final exams and woAH- those took lots of time.

anyGAYS i'm finally back. now that summer is coming along, i'll be able to update more and faster!!


also! *coughs* stay tuned for my new taekook book this coming summer *coughs*

and i will be doing another, however i haven't decided yet, so like- hElp pls (more than likely, a ddlb yoonmin idnfjfm)

i love you mini mochi children! i hope you guys are healthy and stick to the end of this book- even if the updated are slow and some of them can be shitty chapters o-0

well, bye for now!! see you guys in the next update ^•^

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