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jimin's heart monitor stopped.

yoongi shot up and squeezed jimin's hand tightly, quickly leaning over to press the button for a nurse.

in an instant, three doctors and nurses were inside jimin's hospital room, surrounding the unconscious hybrid on the bed.

ray pushed yoongi outside. he didn't want yoongi having a panic attack.

the poor guy was already hyperventilating, not able to focus on anything knowing jimin was in the room having troubles surviving.

"w-what do i do now?? jimin needs me in there!" yoongi furrowed his brows as ray held him down.

he couldn't just calm down. ray pushed yoongi out of the room and kept him out as the doctors instructed.

yoongi gave one glance to the nurses surrounding jimin's body before the curtain was shut.

the doctors slowly filed out of the room, yoongi looking up at them with hopeful eyes. he looked back to the door, it being quite dim inside.

yoongi's gaze traveled over to ray who was pulled aside by a nurse. his eyes began to water again, terrified of the news he could be receiving.

after a bit, ray returned to yoongi, letting out a sigh of relief.

"jimin's okay. they were able to get him breathing again on his own and treated him with some medicine. he should be awake in a few hours."

ray then opened jimin's room door and walked yoongi inside and over to the bed where the hybrid was lying.

yoongi's fingertips traced jimin's hand, gently holding on to his finger. he sniffled, giving it a small kiss.

"i'm sorry jimin." he frowned. "i was such a dick a while ago." yoongi sighed heavily, resting his head against jimin's.

he didn't know how long he stayed there in that uncomfortable position, but he didn't care. yoongi wouldn't leave jimin's side until the hybrid woke up, turning his head to meet his.

"y-yoongi.." jimin mumbled at first before bursting into tears. "you left me for him! w-why are you here!?" he croaked out, pushing yoongi away from as hard as he could.

he didn't move though, as jimin's body was too weak to even move him. yoongi shook his head quickly. he had no idea what jimin was talking about.

"i rushed back as soon as i seen you fall to the floor! who is him?" yoongi asked nervously. he was simply scared of what jimin was thinking.

"i seen it w-with my own eyes yoongi! you and him! HIM!" jimin's body shuddered at the thought of ray. "i was back! i was back there at that house and a-and.." yoongi wrapped his arms around the shaken up hybrid who immediately melted into his arms.

jimin couldn't stay mad at yoongi. the older seemed to keep him at a place of serenity. he called down and sniffled. "he locked me up again.. i was in that room and you were with him. y-you killed me!" jimin shook his head quickly, tears forming back into his eyes.

"jimin please st-" ray walked in. he returned from the doctor's and walked up to them both. "he's finally awake?" he asked yoongi.

jimin cowered into yoongi chest, not letting himself be seen. he clung to yoongi tightly, whispering to him. "t-that's him! he's back for me yoongi, he's b-back!"

"i see you remember me.." ray nodded, nonchalantly saying. he raised his brow. "gonna stop hiding or what?"

yoongi looked down in confusion at jimin. "what the hell are you two talking about!?"

"h-he's my o-old owner!"

a/n: hello min mochi children!

this may be the second to last chapter!

i apologize if this one seems all choppy, i just really want to move along and end this book without completely ignoring it.

i'm ready to end this book and
start on my new ones, but
the right way!

i do plan on organizing my newer ff's
better as in terms of updating,
cutting details and improving
my basic writing skills.

thank you guys for sticking with me and especially those who will continue to support me in my newer books!

i plan to do much better
and hope it goes well

i love all of you!

have a great morning, night,
evening and afternoon wherever you are!

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