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"oh shit!"

"s-sorry hyung!" jimin cried. "i s-said no, but y-you t-told me to!" he fell to the floor hugging his knees.

"j-just wait here. i-i'll go get you clothes." and yoongi ran upstairs with his eyes covered, tripping up the stairs.


and that's how yoongi spent his night - awkwardly around a hybrid whom accidently flashed him.

now yoongi was making breakfast. he usually wasn't up this early considering he valued his sleep and his job didn't have a required time since he worked from home most times anyway. but just in case the hybrid decided to get up early, yoongi woke up earlier.

he made about four stacks of pancakes since the hybrid did look a bit scrawny and yoongi figured his younger brother would be over soon anyways.

just like yesterday, jimin poked his head around the counter. since he didn't want what happened to happen again, he tip toed up to yoongi, but scared him in the process.

"w-wha?!" he yelled but calmed down once he saw who had scared him. "my god, you have to stop doing that. you can approach me normally you know?"

jimin nodded slowly and apologized. "s-sorry hyung. i'm not used to being out like this."

yoongi cocked his head to the side and stared at him. "what do you mean 'out like this?' you aren't used to being in a house?"

jimin shook his head. "n-no! I lived in a house. just not in rooms like this. it's so big here!"

yoongi nodded understandingly and made a mental note to slowly ease some things about the younger.

"w-well, you can start eating. have you washed up already? there was a bathroom in my room."

at this, jimin shook his head in confusion. what was he supposed to do?

"you haven't washed up? like brush your teeth, wash your face, brush your hair, anything?" he asked.

jimin lowered his head and his ears fell flat. he kept disappointing yoongi with every little thing he did.

yoongi sighed. well of course he knew nothing about that. he was all beat up and dirty, and ran away. he had nothing with him. think before you speak stupid!

he snapped out of his thoughts when he heard sniffling and immediately got up from his seat. "no no, don't cry! it's okay just eat for now and i'll show you how to clean up, okay?"

jimin wiped away his tears while yoongi sighed and wiped away his imaginary sweat.

"w-what's all this?" jimin asked looking at the vast amount of food yoongi prepared along with the stacks of pancakes.

"these here are pancakes, jimin. have you ever had them?"

the hybrid shook his head. the only thing he was given was bread and water. it wasn't much, just enough for him to stay alive with as little strength as possible.

"well, you eat these and as many as you can. you look way smaller than what you should be." yoongi started to pile jimin's plate with all types of food.

the younger hesitantly took a bite and his eyes immediately shot open.

"such a yummy taste!" he smiled as he ate more and more.

yoongi began to dig in as well and soon found himself staring at the hybrid sitting across from him. he was admittedly happy he got jimin to eat something and get his belly full.

but once jimin tasted the sausage links and shoved more than one in his mouth, yoongi was a blushing mess.

jimin's eyes were lidded from the goodness of the food. he had syrup dripping from his plump lips that were also covered in juice from the sausage.

yoongi couldn't watch any longer and was more than grateful that the doorbell had rung. otherwise, jimin would have noticed and he would have to explain what exactly a boner was to the younger.

in other words, yoongi bolted towards the door, relieved to see taehyung standing on the other side.

"good morning hyung! smells good in here." taehyung beamed.

"h-hey tae! i just finished breakfast." and before his sentence was finished, taehyung was at the table with a plate and silverware in hand, completely unaware of the cat hybrid just two seats away from him.

"this is a lot of food hyung, usually only..i come..over-w-who is this?" he asks in confusion.

"u-uh this is jimin." yoongi told him. taehyung nodded and stook his hand out. "hi jimin, i'm taehyung, but you can just call me tae, taetae, whatever you like." he smiled.

jimin swallowed down his food and wiped his mouth before returning the smile. "n-nice to meet you tae."

"aww! you're so cuteeeeee." can i take him home hyung, please?"

jimin tensed up and curled up in his chair.

"it's okay jimin. and no tae, you can't take him home. what if your little boyfriend come around? he might get jealous." yoongi teased.

taehyung blushed furiously. "he's not my boyfriend hyung."

yoongi smiled and ruffled his hair. "i know, i'm just happy for you. you two seem to like each other quite a lot."

"we do hyung." taehyung smiled. "but i'm scared. what if he rejects me?" he said as he sadly stuffed pancakes into his mouth.

"he won't tae, i've seen the way he looks at you. there's no way he isn't at least fond of you."

"thanks hyung." taehyung hugged him. "no problem." yoongi responded.

meanwhile jimin had his head hung low at their exchange of interactions. him seeing yoongi and taehyung together made him miss his own brother.

without him knowing it, jimin began to cry.

"h-hey, are you okay jimin?" taehyung asked.

he nodded and yoongi kneeled in front of him before wiping away his tears.

"what's wrong jimin?" the younger shook his head and yoongi decided to not pressure him and ask later instead.

jimin wiped away his remaining tears and resumed eating, slowly and silently this time.

rare calico cat | yoonmin (complete)Where stories live. Discover now