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when jimin woke up the next morning, the house was very quiet. well, this was expected since yoongi sleeped downstairs and jimin upstairs, but the house wasn't very big.

he yawned, lifting his butt into the air as his arms stretched out right in front of him. he stood up and was about to leave the room when he remembered what yoongi told him to do everyday.

so he entered the bathroom and used it, washed his hands, and grabbed the brown colored toothbrush he had been using the days before.

shrugging his shoulders, jimin let out an 'hmph' and held the toothbrush under the running water. he had been assuming that since soap got his hands and body clean, it would do the same for his mouth, so jimin pumped a bit of hand soap onto the toothbrush and began to brush his teeth.

"hck!" he spit the sweet, yet disgusting liquid out of his mouth and into the sink. "i hate using this stuff. i don't even think it's supposed to be this nasty!"

"that's because it isn't toothpaste. you're using soap which is only for your body. you're supposed to be using-" he grabs the tube off the sink. "-this." he hands the toothpaste to jimin.

"ohhh!" the younger smiles brightly. "thanks hyung." he rinses his mouth and used the real toothpaste this time.

"have you been using this the entire time you've been here?" he asked and jimin nodded.

yoongi rolled his eyes playfully. "well use this from now on. it also tastes much better." the hybrid hummed at the minty fresh taste and yoongi smiled in return.

"haha, it's minty~ just like your hair."

he was happy jimin was trying things on his his own and was having fun while doing it. the younger spit out the paste and rinsed his mouth, yoongi deciding to join him before fixing them breakfast until he realized-

"is that my toothbrush!?"

jimin smiled cheekily and ignored his question. "all clean hyung!"

"aish~ we really need to get you your own things."

a/n: just a cute, little, filler chapter until the next one is ready!

it may come tomorrow (* >ω<) depends on if i'm being lazy or not hehe

sorry guys for the late updates,,,i promise to have them consistently updated once i'm finished writing "my sexy new neighbor"

( p.s. i did a 2.5k special chapter where i said a few things about myself and did a face reveal, so go check that out if you want ig ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

it's been hard for me trying to figure on what to add in the last few chapters and it's kinda got me in a writer's block, but i'm working on it now so....

anyways, until the next update minmochi children 😘👋

have a great day🌁, night🌃, morning🌄, and evening🌇

( ^min mochi children for the cutest, mochi couple )💛💙💛💙💛💙

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( ^min mochi children for the cutest, mochi couple )

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