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a/n: yes, this'll be at the front of the chapter!




i am so so sorry for taking so long to update (which has been exactly 2 months nsjsjs i just checked)

i honestly just lost connection to this book because i dragged it out so much however i love it so much.. i went back to read my books and i realized how much i missed it and that my work isn't as cringe as i thought but- oof how the times have changed

i just want to say- a million times over and over thank you all, my loyal readers

you guys have stuck with me for so long and stoll supported me and my books and shared so much love even though i had so many slow updates

anyways, with the current situations of the world, i hope you all are staying healthy and taking time to yourselves

a lot of things have been overwhelming for me especially the blm movement and i press you all to take a break when needed

these are hard times for many of us, however please take a break, focus on your health and remember how loved, deserving, worthy, and precious we all are

our race, ethnicity, and color of our skin makes us powerful. we aren't inferior, we aren't lesser than

we're all equal, and i say this : all lives cannot matter until black lives matter

i'm sure you all know about this and what's going on so i won't drag it!! but thank you again babies, i love each and every single one of you

i hope you all enjoy this chapter and please look forward to the epilogue! i am closing this book, probably redoing my aesthetics on here an ad possibly making more fan fiction...

only if there are people willing to read it of course!!!

stay healthy loves and i wish you all the best 💕


yoongi looked at ray in disbelief. "you're what now..?" he stepped closer to the man, raising his brow. "and you knew all along you son of a bitch-" yoongi grabbed ray by his collar, pulling the male down to his height.

"you should stop while you're ahead yoongi. you've been with me this entire time and never suspected a thing. what type of person does that make you?" ray tilting his head as he stared into yoongi eyes.

yoongi shook his head, gritting his teeth. "how in the hell was i supposed to know you were him!? that you're the one who tortured my jimin all these years-"

"and how come you couldn't, huh?? i'm the same person right? even you were in disbelief! i'm a changed person."

"in no way have you changed! you're the same person you were and you'll always be that way."

ray scoffed. "then how does it feel for you to become close friends with your lover's kidnapper?" he chuckled.

"get the hell over it! i don't want anything to do with him anyways." ray's eyes were filled with something like disgust when he looked at jimin. he pulled yoongi's arm from his now stretched collar and stood up straight.

"you're so fucking stupid yoongi. it took only one person for you to act completely different towards me?" ray pushed yoongi's hand away from him and headed towards the door.

"who the hell am i kidding he's a hybrid not a person." ray rolled his eyes annoyedly and slammed the door, causing jimin to jump and hide into yoongi's chest.

he was already a sniffling mess.

"i'm so sorry jimin. if i had known i wouldn't have had anything to do with him! i promise.."

jimin nodded slowly as yoongi laid him back down onto the hospital bed. the hybrid began to breath heavily as he clenched his stomach.

"i-i just want.. rest. can't d-do t-this yoongi." jimin whispered out, shaking his head as he closed his eyes, a single tear rolling down his cheek.

and yoongi nodded. he was going to grant any wish he could for jimin in order to make it up to his lover. he would do anything to see that pretty eye smile again.

"i'll be here the entire time. i'm not leaving your side or this room. i'm here." yoongi nodded, kissing the back of jimin's hand.

the hybrid was already drifting off to a deep sleep as yoongi whispered those words.

the nurse lightly knocked on the door before stepping into the room quietly. she smiled at the sight of the sleeping hybrid, and looked to yoongi who gave her a polite smile.

she slightly bowed to him before stepping back out when two others stepped in, shutting the door slowly.

"gguk? why are you here?" yoongi looked up confusedly before he glanced over to the other male, immediately gritting his teeth.

"and why the hell did you bring him here?"

said male rolled his eyes in annoyance and stepped forward. "he brought me here to talk to you."

yoongi glanced over to jungkook who nervously rubbed his neck. "there's been confusion yoongi, and he's told me about. if you just listen to what he has to say i think you'll regret how you've acted.."

yoongi raised his brow and tilted his head slightly. he let out an annoyed breath and looked back to the male. "fine, let's talk." he grabbed his jacket and headed out the door.

"..you just happened to come in at the wrong time. i understand how you must've felt but storming out only hurt you in the end."

the male looked over to yoongi, his face in fact - full of regret.

yoongi ran his fingers in his hair and sighed, knowing he owed the male an apology. "hoseok, i-"

"there's no need to apologize, i understand the confusion."

"no, i apologize. really, for my behavior. i mean- i wouldn't have guessed in a million years that jimin was practicing the pregnancy reveal on you. he'd been gone for so long with no contact and i just.. jumped to conclusions."

and before yoongi knew it, hoseok was hugging him, pulling away right afterward to rub his back. "i promise it's all fine. heck i would've reacted the same if i were in your shoes. just have a talk with jimin and let him explain. don't interrupt and just listen."

and yoongi followed hoseok instructions. after jimin was awake again, he and yoongi had a deep talk.

jimin took his time explaining everything. why he stayed so long, why he was afraid of contacting yoongi, and why he hid the pregnancy.

yoongi listened to every second of it, letting his lover do the talking this time. he understood why jimin was scared.

the hybrid felt ashamed and overall felt that he would be a disappointment to yoongi. jimin just completely built this wall of worries which caused him to distance himself and hide everything from yoongi.

"gosh.. jimin you know i'd never abandon you. i would never just give you and our babies up like that and i'd never survive without you."

"literally. namjoon would super kick my ass, taehyung would strange me, jungkook would karate chop me, and they'd leave me for jin to finish me off."

he shook his head as jimin let out a small giggle and engulfed him in a tight hug. "i'm so sorry yoongi and i promise to tell you how i'm feeling. i won't ever hide anything from you again!"

"i love you jimin.."

"i love you too yoongi."

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