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all week, jimin had been unhappy and quiet. him and yoongi had gotten pretty close within the short amount time, but the older could tell something was bothering him.

he wanted to cheer him up, but he simply didn't know how. more than anything, he wanted to know what made the cute little hybrid so upset in the first place.

yoongi approached the cat who was quietly, sitting at the table.

he looked sad, and as if he was deep in thought

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he looked sad, and as if he was deep in thought. his eyes were puffy and red, and his cheeks were dry with tears.

the older sighed and sat next to him. "what's wrong jimin?" he asked.

said hybrid just looked up and shook his head. "its nothing hyung. don't worry about it."

yoongi ran his hand through his hair and let out a breath. trying to get jimin to open up to him was not as easy as he thought. there was clearly something bothering him, and yoongi desperately wanted to understand.

"how can i not worry, if that is all you have done since you've gotten here?"

jimin wiped away the tears that had managed to escape and attempted to smile, but failed as his lips quivered.

"t-thanks hyung, but i, i'm fine."

yoongi stood up and engulfed him into a hug. immediately, his tears fell harder and faster, spewing from his eyelids.

he couldn't take it anymore. he just couldn't stand it. yoongi's brother would come around all the time and jimin couldn't stand seeing their affection while he seemed like an outcast any longer, so everything just poured out.

"oh h-hyung! it's my b......brother a-and i-i miss him s-so much....i haven't seen him i-in forever and i just c-cant take it anymore hyung."

yoongi had picked him up and sat him down on the couch by this time. jimin was pulled into his lap, his head buried into the older's neck as he sobbed endlessly.

"it's okay jimin-ah. it'll be okay, alright? we'll find your brother, okay?" yoongi tried his best to calm him down, stroking jimin's back with one hand and scratching the back of his ears with the other since he knew it comforted him.

"but h-how? i haven't seen him s-since...."


aish! what's taking him so long?" jimin paced back and forth, waiting for his brother to return. he was currently in the store 'finding' them something to eat and was taking way too long to do so.

usually it was jimin who would steal their meals since he was sneakier, but his brother insisted to do it himself this time and jimin gave in to those adorable brown orbs.

after waiting a few more minutes, jimin decided to go in after him, but stopped in his tracks when a fat, bloated, cheesy, greasy, 7 sandwich eating man, angrily stepped out.

he had the little boy strangled up by his shirt collar and slammed him against the nearby wall.

"so you're the little guy who's been stealing from me. all this time i've been waiting to catch the thief and now i finally have. such a cute little guy too."

the man still had jungkook hoisted up and began to stroke his cheek slowly, but jimin took action and kicked the man from behind.

"let my brother go!" he yelled and kicked the man over and over as the younger cowered away in the corner.

he watched in fear as the man took all of the blows and jumped up, causing jimin to tumble back and fall. the man then picked him up and punched him repeatedly as he helplessly cried out.

"g-go! go g- hck! get help. don't worry about m......"

jimin blacked out. his brother cried and watched as he was taken away and thrown into the man's car.

end of flashback.。.:*✧

"a-and that's the last time i saw him yoongi hyung! i don't know where h-he is. he could b-be anywhere!"

as jimin finished his horrific story, yoongi was in tears too. he couldn't imagine going through any of that, and yet it was only a bit of what the hybrid had been through.

"hyung's got you minie, it'll be alright."

a/n: you guys got to see a bit of jimin's past! was this too soon ? i don't think so

even though it may be a bit obvious, who do you guys think is jimin's brother ? do you guys think he'll find him, and if so, will it be soon or later ?

thanks for 100+ reads,,,,
don't forget to comment + vote >>
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