The Final Attack

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No one was more surprised than me when my friend easily and effortlessly stopped the flame in midair and turned it into ice, then proceeding to break the ice into a million pieces. That kind of magic or power was beyond me, and I was truly impressed by my friend's skills. 

The Devil, however, seemed to be even more enraged by my friend's powers. He was not used to being surprised by anyone or anything. It seemed to rub him the wrong way that my friend, not only tricked him but also had the audacity to defend herself. 

For her to be able to stop his attack, was the greatest offense to him since that had never happened before. I could see that not only was he mad, but he also felt the shock of being thwarted for the second time in his existence, the first time being when God cast him out.

"You a mere human shall not thwart my plans! I am the Devil! No one is stronger than I am! Especially not your filthy, human race! It was possible for me to fry you immediately, but I decided to play with you for a bit the way a cat plays with food before eating it. Killing you will be my pleasure, and trust me it will be very painful because you dare defy me YOUR MASTER!" He started speaking in his most terrifying voice booming with an imminent threat. 

Somehow I knew he was lying. I could feel that he was... well, not scared, but uncomfortably close to being afraid, closer than he had ever been before. It sounded to me like his words had a different purpose than he wanted us to think. 

He was trying to convince himself that it was a battle he could win. Seeing doubt on the Devil's face, gave me hope that my friend could actually defeat him, that she could save the beautiful world we were born in.

My friend seemed to think the same thing. She wasn't scared by the Devil's words because it was obvious to her, as well, that he was lying. 

"You are NOT my master! I am my own person, and I make my own choices! Now, I choose to stop you, you filthy coward. Using naïve girls to accomplish what you were too weak to do by yourself!" She replied contemptuously. 

I expected that the Devil would attack her then and there, but I guess I underestimated how much of a coward he was. 

Instead of attacking her himself, he sent his servants to do his bidding. All types and kinds of demons and monsters started stampeding towards my friend, so I hurried to stand by her side. Together we started fighting them off, as a team, while the Devil hid behind his army.

Three-headed fiends, hell hounds, flying monstrous birds and many others started attacking us, five or six at the same time, but my friend and I managed to fight them off using the energy of light and life. Mostly channeling the energy similar to the one of the sun helped, but the Devil suddenly made the clouds roll in and it was more difficult for us to connect with the energy of the sun. 

It was dark and gloomy, and it started raining. It was raining heavily and that made it difficult to see clearly, so a few monsters did manage to hurt us. Still, we could fight them off. We were drenching wet, but we were fighting with all we had. 

The Devil was very dissatisfied with the fact that none of his servants managed to hurt us badly, but he didn't attack himself. He was hiding like a coward behind the senseless monsters that saw him as their master. 

The battlefield looked ridiculous. There were different and strange body parts all around and there were so many types of liquids. It was mostly demon blood that was so different in shades and colors that it was difficult to comprehend. Some blood was green, some red, some black... 

The fetid smell of rot and death was overwhelming. Some liquids were sizzling and burning the ground, poisonous as they were. 

Luckily, my friend and I mostly managed to protect ourselves from the poison, but we did get some cuts and bruises from the attacks. I felt as if I was actually getting more energy from my friend than I would have had otherwise and it felt good. It felt so good for once to feel powerful and invincible. It was like we share the immense energy that she possessed.

When it became obvious to the Devil that we were much more powerful than he thought and that some of his demons seemed to get scared, he decided to change strategies. So he started helping them from afar by throwing fireballs and streams of fire towards us to make us lose focus, in consequence giving demons enough time to finish us off. 

Unfortunately for him, his plan failed since our defense wall against such kind of attacks was strong enough to deflect even his most powerful blows. It was actually more troublesome for us to fight off the physical attacks of the demons. Even my new-found agility sometimes wasn't enough to fight off the sheer size of the demons' attacks, but we decided to use some scare tactics and it actually worked. We focused on the two most powerful demons and cut off their heads and then used them to fight off others. Even the demons found the action gruesome and started pulling back.

That was when the Devil finally decided to step in, knowing he had no other choice. He started attacking us, both with his pitchfork and fire, and he was vicious. 

We managed to defend ourselves well, but we knew it wasn't enough. My friend asked me to distract him long enough for her to gather more energy than she ever had before. 

Not knowing how to do that I attacked the Devil head-on and while avoiding the blows of his pitchfork I got the crazy idea to use his tail as a rope to climb on his shoulders. Getting there, I started pulling on his horns annoying him more than anyone ever should. 

However, I knew that only attacking him wouldn't distract him enough from my friend, but getting on his nerve would. I started acting like a small child covering his eyes and pulling on his horns as he tried to shake me off. 

It wasn't so easy to do that because I held on tightly but at the end, he remembered his tail, and he used the pointed part to stab me. Falling down, I was actually happy because I realized I had given my friend enough time to prepare herself for the final attack.

Lying on the ground, I could see the Devil turning to my friend, but she was ready for him. There was this huge ball of light in front of her, ready to be sent towards the Devil. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. 

It was a magnificent ball of differently colored lights that somehow seemed to be alive with energy. The ball was a mixture of the perfectly blended harmony of light and colors that left me breathless. It was at the same time as small as an ant and held the enormity of space in it. It was the power of the immense energy focused in one ball of magnificent light, too bright for my weary eyes. 

When the Devil realized what the ball was, it was already too late. The ball hit him with its full strength and knocked him down. I thought it only hurt him, but then suddenly his whole body just broke apart. He was dead. The Devil was actually dead. 

"Does anyone else want to fight me!? " Shouted my friend towards the remaining demons.  

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