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One by one, my dreams are becoming bigger, no play

When the shot is fired at the starting line, instead of pushing my confidence forward

I feel nervous as I take a step forward, what

Memories of the practise room where I ran without rest

Times of hardship

No more

Solitary times

No more

Our start doesn't make me cry anymore

The blurry light is becoming more distinct

You know we go up, yeah, we con't stop till I can touch my dream with my fingertips

You know weg o up till we touch the sky even though I can't see it, I'll go to the end

This is our start line, our start line, our starte line

0325, it's your start

Born, I was born again then

From a lump of soil with nothing, a beautiful flower bloomed

Stay with me like this, you make me feel special

Starting with the same dream, now moving to a bigger dream

Times of hardship

No more

Solitary times

No more

Getting further away from the darkness, getting to the end of this confusion

The blurry light is becoming more distinct

You know we go up, yeah, we con't stop till I can touch my dream with my fingertips

You know weg o up till we touch the sky even though I can't see it, I'll go to the end

Can you stay right with me, with me cause weg on do it together, with you

Can you stay right with me, with me cause weg on do it together, with you

You know we go up, yeah, we con't stop till I can touch my dream with my fingertips

I remember running without rest to the end, to see my dream

You know weg o up till we touch the sky even though I can't see it, I'll go to the end

Even if I fall over, I will never give up

This is our start line, our start line, our starte line

0325, it's your start

Stray Kids english lyricsWhere stories live. Discover now