Come over.

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Camila's POV.

I wanted to see her but school! Ugh, i hate it! The teachers are evil! It's private so I have to have a 3.5 or above average. I love Dinah and all but it wasn't worth it. She only had to take a 5 minute longer bus drive but lazy Dinah didn't want to take the chance.

I can not go a whole day without thinking about Lauren, and I swear Dinah can see. She makes it worse, she teases me every chance she gets even in lessons. I was sat in music playing the guitar till i felt my phone buzz and my excitement when i saw who it was.

Lo- hey beautiful. ;)

Cami- hey. Aren't you at school?

Lo- yeah but i dont have a lesson right now, what about you?

Cami- i do, music but all i have to do is play 'wake me up' on guitar.

Lo- you play?

Cami- yeah. I want to see you. I miss you.

Lo- i miss you too. I can see you in the woods behind your house tomorrow but no sooner.

Cami- whhhy?! I need to cuddle with you. Bert the pillow isn't any good.

Lo- Bert the pillow?

Cami- a pillow I've had for years to hug when I'm scared but on Friday and Saturday, you proved much better fit to calm the scaries.

Lo- well i do have homework to do, i can ask for a sleepover? If you can ask if i can come?

Cami- i'll ask at lunch and tell you. If she doesn't let me i'll see you tomorrow. ;)

Lo- what's the wink for?

Cami- you know.

Lo- you want to kiss me?

Cami- yeah... i want you.

Lo- Keep those thoughts innocent.

Cami- i cant promise anything. ;)

Lo- bell rang, so I've got to go. Cya. Xxx

Cami- okay. I'll ask for you. Xxx

A few minutes later, our bell rang signifying lunch. I met Dinah and then called Mami.

"Hola, Mami."

"Hola, mija"

"Mami, can I have a friend stay the night."

"Mija it's a school night."

"I've done my homework and i promise that we will get 8 1/2 hours sleep"

"Okay but is this friend Lauren?"

"Errr, si Mami"

"Well fine, its no boy but no sex, do you hear me?"

"Mami! Yes I promise no doing the dew." Dinah sniggered after I said that that.

"Okay she is allowed, let her ask her parents first, okay?"

"Si, Mami. Adiós!"

"Come home by 4:30."


"Bye Mija."

"Bye Mami"

I ended the call and texted Lauren in the matter of minutes replied.

Cami- if you want to come you can, my mum said we could.

Lo- i will ask, don't worry I did my homework while texting you earlier so if I'm allowed by my mum I will come over.

Cami- Okay. :)

Lo- cya later camz.

Cami- 👋🏼👋🏼.

I was even more smiley and Dinah saw. "Texting your girl friend?" She said while smirking.

"Actually yes. But you know she's not my girlfriend but don't put me on any dates with ANYONE but Lauren. Hear me?"

"Yes miss." With a mocking two fingered salute.

The bell rang and I had to go through a lesson with Dinah. Ugh. She was never going to stop there.

A/n sorry it's short but I didn't have much time and I had no idea what to right.

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