Dinner and dessert

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Camila's POV

We were sitting for about an hour until my parent came in the room.

"So Lauren, are you alright with staying in the same bed as Camila tonight?"

"Yes sir," she sounded nervous probably like how I sounded when I talked to her dad.

"I want you to understand that you won't be allowed to do the dew with our daughter while you are here. Do you understand that?"

"Yes I understand, I wouldn't do anything unless she was ready and it would have to be at the right time. Now if you don't mind me asking but, what is it that smells so good?"

"Okay, since we got that out of the way. It's the starter and main that you can smell but we forgot to buy a dessert so we won't have that, tonight." My mother joined in.

"If you want I can go to the store and buy a dessert, I don't mind."

My parents looked to each other and thought.

"Yes, go with Camila but we don't have a lot of money for you to spend."

"No need, I have my card. I can buy it."

"You have a card?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, my dad gives me $2,000 a week. It is my share of the company."

"What company, dear?" My mother asked

"Jauregui's enterprise" she answered back.

"Dang, sinu. She earns more than me in Fortnight." My dad whispered.

"I help my dad with the mathematic and business but he's considering giving me the company when I'm old enough"

"Okay, your rich, nice, hot, softball captain, top of all your classes at a private school. What are you? What's your secret?" I asked shocked.

"I just love what I do and work as hard as I can to achieve as much as I can." She said as if it was nothing.

"God! Your perfect. Thank the lord your actualy an angel" I said, receiving a look from my family members.

"Right, i can call a car to take us and we will be back with an amazing dessert." Lauren said while getting up and grabbing her phone. She walked out and my family turned to me.

"Honey, I think we got a good one." My dad said to my mum. He wispered something else to my mother that I couldnt hear. My mother took a look at me and said back "your right, they are." I looked at my sister who had the same confused look on her face as me. Lauren came back in and said "my dad is dropping car off in 5 minutes and the we can go Camz"

That was it. My mouth dropped to the floor. She can drive as well. She has a freaking car!! This wasn't possible she is literally a goddess.

"Camz, you might want to lift your mouth off the floor." She laughed white my parents while sitting next to me again.

I felt her phone buzz in her hand which was on my thigh.

"Jeez, that was fast. My car is here. I guess we should go to the store Camz." She said pulling me up and to the door. Her dad was waiting to hand her the keys. We went in the car and she put the radio on but it was boring songs, she huffed and linked her phone to the stereo and hit shuffle. She put her phone down on the in car charger. We reverced out the driveway and went on our way to the store. It was a few minutes we can been in the car until she spoke up.

"Hey camz, are you okay?"

"Yeah LoLo, I'm great. I'm a little annoyed that I haven't met you before. Your perfect."

"Your perfect for me, camz. Your perfect in my eyes." She spoke while grabbing my hand softly and lifting it to her lips to kiss my knuckles. From then we sang the songs and held hands. Except for when she needed her other hand to control the car.

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