"I love her!"

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Camila's POV

When i arrived at the police station the next morning, I struggled staying awake. I hadn't slept at all throughout the night. Lauren had went home after her parents heard about what happened. Everything has been on my mind.

From Austin raping me, to seeing Lauren at gun point. I'm giving my statement, and then I'm leaving. My parents, finally bought me a motorbike. I love it. I wanna ride it like I ride Lauren. Since I didn't want my parents here with me. I walked in alone.

"Hello miss, how may I help you today" a tall slightly greyish brunette woman greeted me at the front desk. With a small smile I say "hi, I'm Camila Cabello. I'm here to write a statement about Austin Mahone"

"Ah yes, i always hate cases like this. You're too nice to have to deal with this shit,-don't mind my language" she ended with a small chuckle.

Fast forward till she leaves

"Goodbye miss, have a good day"

"Thank you, I will try, mrs" with that I opened the doors and walked out to my motorbike. Clambering onto it, I put my helmet on and went off. My first destination was a gas station. To fill up my tank, and get a drink.

I had always loved the beach, there was this spot near the end, and a bit of a walk behind some rocks, whenever I need to think I come here. Thoughts over came me last night. Does Lauren even like me or am I living in a false reality where no one ever cares and only dates me hoping for a quick fuck.

Is that what everyone thought? Is that what lauren wants? Quick fuck and she's gone.

Shit. I can't do this.

*ring ring* my phone is blowing up in my pocket. It's lauren. I've been here for hours. Turning it off off I go back to thinking as the ocean crashes into the sand and pulls back.

Lauren's POV

Where the hell is she? She's gone. She's not answering my calls. Her mom and dad don't know either.

"She's not answering, where the hell is she?!" I shout as I slam my phone on the coffee table.

"Lauren, she's stressed, anxious. She's just went to the police about a man that raped her, which she hid from everyone until a few days ago, and that same man just came back into her house with a gun and held you, The person she likes, at gun point. On top of that, she is in the last year of school. Stop panicking, she's gonna come back and if not. Dinah knows where she is. We just gave her a motorbike. Also understand she is going to want to ride that around on that for a while." Ale spoke to me. I know he said not to worry. But I can't help it.

She's still not answering. I just want to sit in our den for hours on end cuddling and kissing while watching a movie or listening to music. I miss her while I don't have her. I think of her first thing in the morning and last thing at night. I need her. I love her. Please god let her be safe.

"I love her" I quietly murmured, Dinah turned to me, and asked "what did you say?"

"Take me to her, please, I need her"

"Because you LOOOooooVeeeeee her???"

"Yes Dinah. Yeah, I love her" I shout at Dinah.

"Lolo? What did you just say-


Hey guys, sorry I haven't uploaded in a while, got busy and if this is choppy, I didn't know where to go with it.
Have a great day, love you baiiii

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