Chapter 14

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Emma’s P.O.V.

I slowly woke up on a soft couch by the TV. What happened? I rolled my head to one side to see Eric sleeping on the floor beside me, a bottle of painkiller in his hands.

‘Oh right!’ I thought. The painkiller must have caused me to be drowsy. I slowly got up and noticed that most of my pain was gone. Just my forehead and ankle stung. I calmly got up, trying to hold my breath to not wake Eric. He must've be exhausted! I stepped over him and limped to his backyard. The soft grass felt so nice on my battered feet. I rolled up the sweat pants that were way to long for me and sat at the edge of his pool. I rolled the pants up a bit more, and eased my feet into the water. The warmth felt so good on my skin. I looked up to the sky and saw that the stars had started to come out. It was probably pretty late, but I wasn’t tired. I mean, I was out for most of the day. I took the pony out of my hair and casually lied down with my feet still in the water. I looked up at the twinkling diamonds in the sky and felt glum all of a sudden. I wished that my parents were here to look up at the stars with me. We could make up funny constellations or name stars goofy names. A salty tear rolled down the side of my face and I immediately wiped it away. I dismissed my train of thought, knowing that I had to stop torturing myself with the ‘what if’ thoughts. I knew that my parents were dead, and there was nothing I could do about it. I had to stop crying about my parents, because I would be wasting my tears. I would always miss them and they would always be in my heart, but I had to let go. I had Eric now and I loved him with all of my heart. There was nothing that could happen now that would make me stop loving him.

Eric’s P.O.V.

I woke to the harsh sunlight that was beaming out the window. I grunted as I rubbed my eyes and stretched. I instantly turned to the couch and was shocked to see that Emma wasn’t there. I shot to my feet and started looking around frantically for her. I looked out the glass door leading into the backyard and saw Emma with her feet in my pool, her back facing me. I walked towards her and  plopped next to her.

“Where you out here all night?” I asked.

She nodded and smiled.

“I was just looking at the stars. It was so beautiful.” She said softly.

We sat there silently for what seemed like an eternity. She was staring at the water, I troubled look on her face.

“What are you thinking about?” I asked.

She hesitated before she answered me, as if second-guessing she was sure she wanted to say anything. She finally looked up so that out eyes met.

“Eric,” she started, her voice shaky, “I… I want you to teach me how to swim.”

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