Chapter 5

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Emma’s P.O.V.

I was completely submerged and at the bottom of an 8ft pool. I was panicking and scared to death. I looked around aimlessly for what seemed like ever. Just as I started to get light headed, I saw a ladder and frantically reached for it. I pulled myself up with all of strength. When I reached the top, I was violently coughing and gasping for air. I looked up to see everyone staring at me and Eric with his shirt off. He was going to jump in to get me? Embarrassment soon set in and I scrambled up the ladder and grabbed my stuff.

“Emma are you okay? You must have been under there for 40 seconds!”  He asked, worry in his voice.

“I have to go.” I sputtered, heading for the door.

“What? Why?” He urged.

I pushed passed him and hopped on my bike. I started peddling when he appeared in front of me and grasped the handlebars.

“Emma, what going on? Why are you leaving?” He asked franticly.

“You don’t understand…” I mumbled.

“What don’t I understand?” He pressed.


Eric’s P.O.V.

I was shocked. But thinking back, it all made sense. How she became nervous at the mention of a pool party. I looked back to her and saw tears streaming down her face.

“Why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve understood.” I tried to say as softly as possible. She looked up so our eyes met.

“Would you? Really?” she asked, pain in her voice, “A 17 year old can’t even swim! I’m so stupid! I just never had time to learn. I’m so embarrassed…  I- I-“ she couldn’t finish she was crying so hard. I didn’t know what to say. All I could do was look at her. She was sobbing and trembling. She clutched the handlebars so hard that her knuckles were a snowy white. I gingerly loosened her grip on them and helped her off the bike. I lead her inside my house and took her to my room.

“Hand tight. I’ll be back soon, okay?” I told her.

She nodded numbly.

I bolted down the stairs and burst into the backyard. I announced that the party was over. After all the grumbling and mumbling, the backyard was empty and I started cleaning up as fast as I could. Once everything was back was back in place, I whipped my watch up and saw that half an hour had past. I raced up the stairs and quickly opened my door to see Emma sprawled on the floor, sleeping. I picked her up and set her in my bed, placing the covers over her. 

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