Chapter 10

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Emma’s P.O.V.

I woke with a start to the loud beeping of my alarm clock. I swung my arm aimlessly until it slammed the snooze button. I moaned, yawned and stretched all at the same time. I had an hour to get ready, so I wasted no time in dragging myself out of bed and hopping in the shower to rinse off. After that, I went to my closet and wrestled with my clothes. I finally settled for dark denim capris, a white tank top and the sweater Eric gave to me the first day we met. I slipped on some worn sneakers and straightened my hair. After putting on some light makeup, I headed downstairs to fix some breakfast. Toast and nutella would have to do. I saw my grandpa snoring on the coach where I had left him last night. I snatched a banana and orange and set it beside him so that he could eat it later. When I peeked out the window, I saw Eric waiting for me on his bike and I beamed. I grabbed my backpack and burst out the door. I walked over to him with my bike and kissed him passionately. I hopped on my bike and we cruzed to school together.

Eric’s P.O.V.

Today was a very typical and normal day. Classes, Emma, lunch… the usual. At the end of the day though, things became out of the ordinary. After practice, I opened my gym locker to see a small piece of paper flutter to the ground. I crouched down to pick it up and was surprised to see that it was a note from the coach. He said that he wanted to meet in the auditorium for a special message. It was out of the blue, but I supposed that if it was from the coach, it must be important. After I got washed up, I casually walked out the locker room to see Emma leaned against a wall reading one of the three books she was holding. She looked up at me and smiled. I sped towards her and pecked her forehead. We started walking when I explained that the coach wanted to meet me in the auditorium for a couple minutes. She understood and told me she would wait for me.

I slowly walked into the auditorium and was shocked to see my ex-girlfriend, Kloe, instead of my coach. She looked at my confused face and just slyly smiled.

“I dropped the note off,” she purred, “I just wanted to talk.”

“Well I have nothing to say to you.” I said coldly.

“Well I have something to say to you…” she said gently, talking a large step towards me. Just as I was about to tell her where to go, she talked again.

“I couldn’t help but notice you and that orphan together. What’s her name, Emma?” she giggled cruelly.

My blood started to boil, but I urged myself to stay calm.

“What about it?” I replied.

“I don’t like it!” she hissed, taking another step towards me.

“I don’t care what you think.” I snarled.

“Is that so?” she said more softly, talking 2 more steps toward me.

I couldn’t stand being in the same room as her. The heavy smell of hairspray came from her bleached hair and she wore more makeup than clothes.

She walked towards me so there was hardly and space between us.

“I’ve missed you…” she whispered, breathing on my neck.

Just as I was about to book it out of there, she aggressively held my head and brought her lips mine forcefully.  

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