That story episode 1

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Madapoody the Unicorn

Once apon a time there was a unicorn. It was colored brown and its name was madapoody. One day madapoody went for a walk and got bitten by a giant spider. The venom from the spider went straight to the heart and changed

to a zombi unicorn and went on a killing rampage and killed

monkeys.the unicorn slayer flew out of the sky. It went into

A different world and turned back into a unicorn by a

strange flew back to earth and started eating

some grass. After eating some grass a badger jumped out and

went to the unicorn and said ... " banana !!" Then it started to

rain bananas and kiwi fruits. They were transported to

a magical island where a giant came up and was about to step

on them when.... The giant started vomiting and he vomited

all over the unicorn and he himself started vomiting. Then

everyone on the whole land was sick...if they found the rare

Antidote they could save everyone! So madapoody went

on a voyage across the 10 seas to try and find this antidote.

Madapoody went to china, England, France, Japan, and

back to Australia, looking for the antidote. But she

found it in her home town.

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