I Am From...

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I am from a small town, full of gunshots and fights, some about who's wrong and who's right
I am from a family who doesn't get along, yet does, sometimes they don't get along throughout the night

I am from San Diego, California, from being bit by a snake, to falling off my bike
I am from reading alone, no place to go, except for home, which is good to know, 'cause there's no place I'd rather go
I am from writing books and poems, going outside, when it's how, or when it's not

I am from baking brownies with Grandmother, laughing at one another,and making memories with each other
I am from staying up all night, waiting to open presents, baking cookies, and talking to friends and family
I am from a town where there was a house fire, visiting my Uncle and there was Hurricane Katrina in the way, and an earthquake that took our power away

I am from a happy family, one that would never leave me
I am from a world where suicide is a common topic, but hopefully it will go away, and never see the light of day
I am from a place where I have friends, family, a home, food, everything that I love

I am from a thought where I am hated, but I'm not,like I said, its just a thoughtI am from a family of divorce, but a great family, not by forceI am from somewhere I belong, artistic personality doesn't fully define me, but it's a big part of my personality
I am from a great school,with all sorts of people, and one that I would never forget, or regret
I am from a beautiful world that not a single person can destroy or take away

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