Breaking All The Rules (Jasper Hale) -7-

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-7- (I Will Not Bow - Breaking Benjamin)

Felix and Dimitri are right, Marcus doesn’t corrupt me anymore and I feel less paranoid around the Volturi until December of 2008. Irina from an Alaskan coven arrived this morning to tell us that the Cullens created an immortal child. That is where I was in a mental panic. Aro will have to go there with everyone and they will see Jasper is alive and I have no way to tell the Cullens to hide Jasper. If they would even listen to me.

I’m so screwed, but I have to go. Even the wives are going, it has been one of Aro’s goals to kill Carlisle and his coven because he fears that they will become more powerful than the Volturi one day.

We arrive in America in January. It takes a day to get to Washington, Aro has decided to go to the clearing near the Cullen’s home to attack. The ground is dusted with snow and some more snow is lightly falling, by night there will be at least a foot of snow. We march through the field, the wives at the very back. I am in the front with Aro, Jane, and Alec. Maybe I can make a run for it if I’m lucky, I think hopefully.

I grow more nervous as we get to the field, it is a relief that Jasper isn’t on the field, but it makes me wonder where he is. Alice is missing too. Carlisle, Bella, and Edward negotiate with Aro before they bring out the child who apparently is half human and vampire, Renesmee. They bring her up to me and I look nervously at the Volturi leaders to see if there are any suspicions - Aro urges me to go ahead.

The very aware looking child places a hand on my cheek and before I can say a thing I hear a little girl’s voice, “You won’t hurt my family will you? They told me about you. You’re different from those people.”

I look up at the Cullens and hand the child back completely bewildered. 

“What did she do?” Caius asks.

“She told me that she isn’t dangerous,” I lie.

“How can we believe that-”

“ALICE!” I heard some nomad on the Cullens side call. I internally groaned that meant Jasper was here as well. Maybe they wouldn’t notice. 

Alice explains why she was gone and shows a boy like Renesmee and his aunt. Jasper is next to her and I am praying that Aro hasn’t recognized him. I feel relief as he concludes this visit, but he turns to me, “Sophia, I believe there is some unfinished business.”

“Unfinished business?” I gulp and notice he is looking at Jasper who is looking at me, mirroring the tough exterior behind fear that I have.


“Well he wasn’t truly evil so I spared-”

“You lied to all of us, you kill him now or it will be you,” Aro threatens. 

“He is innocent, I refuse to kill him. If you should be killing anybody it’s me,” I argue. 

“Jane, Alec,” Aro says to the vampires next to me. 

“Wait a second,” Edward interrupts. “Before you kill Sophia, I think this knowledge should be shared with her. They aren’t on your side Sophia. Aro put James up to the invasion, replacing Chelsea and the fight just to get you to trust them and join. Then, Aro manipulated you for your power. When you started worrying and let a secret of his get out, he made Marcus hurt you to degrade you so you would stay with him and become a slave to the Volturi.”

I slowly back away from the Volturi, “YOU! Chelsea, you were put up to this, why the hell would you do this?!”

Chelsea was silent. 

“I know some pretty important secrets as well and they aren’t dying with me. Let me go free or I’ll let every vampire know your secrets and motives. Let’s see who worships the Volturi then,” I threaten. 

Aro questions. “We have never harmed you. Why be so serious when we have yet to commit a crime?”

“You killed my family. Kidnaped me. Manipulated me. And made me a vampire, why should I do anything for you!?” I hiss.

“Have we harmed you seriously?” Aro asked.

“When I said the truth about your sister, you put Marcus up to... r-raping me and beating me,” I cringe at the memory. “If you let me go I won’t come after you with vengeance, but if you don’t I will keep running and let all your secrets slip out to all vampires. You can’t rule if there is no one to be controlled.”

“And if we catch you?”

“Secrets will already spread to vampires you might not even know. Word will get out,” I assure him.

“She’s bluffing,” Caius sneered.

“Oh really. If any of you are old enough to remember or hear of Didyme, Aro’s sister, he killed her. He hated how her and Marcus’ love was getting in the way of his work and had to decide whether to kill Marcus or Didyme. He killed his own sister for power, destroyed true love, and keeps Marcus under Chelsea’s power so he won’t secede from them.”

“Jane,” Aro orders looking at me.

Jane turns to me and smirks, I ball up my fist waiting for the pain to come, but it never does. I look back and see Bella smiling to herself, I experience a flashback with her and realize her power is protecting me. 

“Don’t want to dirty your hands?” I taunt. 

“You’ll have no where to go,” Aro’s argument is weakening.

“She can stay with us,” Carlisle offers.

Aro looks at the other Volturi and guard. “This isn’t settled,” He warns before leaving with them.

I turn back to the Cullens, “So I can really stay?”

“You protected Jasper, you aren’t like them,” Alice tells me. “I told you I saw you with us, but you didn’t listen.”

“Well I didn’t see what Aro was really doing. Aro never let me have flashbacks with him except for the accident where I saw what he did to Didyme,” I explain.

Everyone slowly returns to the Cullen’s house and many nomads leave. It is nearly midnight by the time the Denali coven leaves. 

“We set up a room for you,” Alice says grabbing my hand.

“A room?”

“Well I knew you’d be here and Edward has the cottage now, so Esme and I redecorated his room! Come on,” She pulls me forwards.

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