Breaking All The Rules (Jasper Hale) -3-

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-3- (Thousand Years - Christina Perri)

Centuries past and before I know it the year 1915 has come around. Why is this year significant? The raging vampire wars in the southern United States has nearly caused exposure on numerous occasions. Mainly by an army lead by Maria and her second in command, Jasper. Aro ordered me to kill Jasper, he wants to keep Maria alive for possible use in the future. Of course, I have to follow his orders. 

The plan ride isn’t terribly long or crowded, if it had been I might have killed someone. When I landed I decided to go hunting and waiting until sundown to search for Jasper. I hear a female’s voice, “No I’m not killing him yet, he’s been my second in command since-”

“Soon he’ll turn on you if we don’t act first.”

“Jasper is-”

I realize this is Maria and one of her other vampires plotting to murder Jasper. I have to find him first or else. I look around to see two newborn vampires fighting. I stop them, “Children, do you know I can find Jasper Whitlock?”

“We aren’t child-”

I twist the head of the one who spoke and the other looked at me with wide eyes. 

“I’d appreciate if you didn’t kill the members of this army, ma’am” A deep voice with a very clear southern drawl sounded. I turn around to see a vampire with golden hair nearly covering his eyes looking at the one vampire that is headless. His eyes show recognition when he sees me, “You’re that girl from the Volturi, aren’t you?”

I am about to speak, but I am able to see into his past and feel what he feels. That he doesn’t want to be here, but he has no where else to go. As I relive his past and memories I begin to see how lost he is and doesn’t known much about the other vampires. I’m going to regret doing this, but maybe not... he is really handsome and if- No, Sophia, you are supposed to kill him not love- “I am,” I answer his question trying to ignore my thoughts.

“What was that?”

“You relived your past with me.”

“Why are you here, ma’am?” He asks.

I don’t answer, I look at the newborn vampire who still looks terrified. “Go,” I say to her. She runs off and I turn back to Jasper after she is long gone, “I’m supposed to kill you.”

“Then, what’s the stalling for?”

“I’m not-”

“Your emotions beg to differ, ma’am.”

“It’s Sophia,” I correct. “And I’ve decided I’m not going to kill you, but it’d be smart of you to run away from here, maybe up north with that couple I saw.”

“Peter and Charlotte? Why?”

“Well the Volturi leaders might look for you, but also if you haven’t noticed already, Maria kind of wants to kill you,” I explain.

“She has been feeling very nervous and acting secretive,” He confirms. 

“Exactly, so I’ll let you live, but you have to escape.”

“Why do you care?” He asks. 

“I’m supposed to kill the bad guys not the people who aren’t really bad.”

“But I’m-”

“Trust me, Jasper, you aren’t a bad person. I’ve seen much worse people out there. I’ll lie to Aro, I’ll create a memory of me killing you and he’ll have believe me,” I say.

“Thanks, I guess, just don’t end up getting killed for me,” He says. 

“Aro wouldn’t kill me... I’m the assassin, remember? I’ve had more experience than he has had, he likes to keep his hands clean.”

“Just stay safe,” He orders.

“You too, maybe I’ll run into you again. Try to leave as soon as possible or my head may as well end up on a silver platter.”

I return to the Volturi a few days later with my fake memory already created in perfect detail. Aro, of course, wants to see my thoughts to confirm. Over the years, I have learned to block out certain thoughts. He is content with my work and I am finally able to have time to myself.

“I don’t know how you do this almost everyday,” Felix tells me. 


“Kill people everyday! Doesn’t it get boring?” 

“I come up with new ways to kill people,” I shrug. “And Felix you probably kill more people in a week than I do!”

“You need to have a life outside of killing!” He says.


Demitri enters my room, “Aro is looking for new members for they guard and if he finds a favorable talent they may be the new assassin.”

“What about Jane and Alec?” I ask defensively. 

“Sophia, they’ve been around for nearly five-hundred years and have some of the most useful abilities ever. If Aro hears that you slip up, even just once this could end for you,” Demitri warns. 

I mentally gulp. Slip up just once? No, he’ll never find out about Jasper! I don’t even know a life outside of the Volturi after James, the insane asylum, and my dead family. “End for me?”

“You’ll be lower ranked or free to leave,” Felix explains.

“He won’t find anyone to replace me,” I say confidently.

Demitri sighs, “Who knows, he’s been looking for awhile, but most people start out as secretaries.”

“That’s why you guys kill them!” I gasp in realization. 

“It wouldn’t be fun any other way,” Felix chuckles. 

“And I believe Miranda’s time is just about up...” Demitri adds with a sinister smirk. 

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