October 25th

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I just really wanted to talk about one of my favorite memories. This was probably 3-4 years ago. My friend who had passed away in a shooting accident, it was her 15th birthday. The first birthday following her passing. My friends and I bought 15 balloons in her favorite color, wrote messages, and all sprawled out on a bed and smoked a bowl in her honor while singing happy birthday to her. I hope she was there.
I rekindled an old friendship yesterday. I hadn't realized how much she missed me and how awful of person I am/was. It sounded like she never once stopped hoping I would come back. This sounds really narcissistic, but this is truly how she spoke to me. We talked all night and I don't think she stopped crying once. It feels good to have her back. It makes me feel warm.
Jaxson and I are doing so well lately, I've been so good. I get paid tomorrow and I get to see my cats so I'm really looking forward to it.
I'm tired so I'm gonna go, I'll be back though. Maybe tomorrow. We'll see. There's just so much to write out that I don't really want to do it in one shot. I hope to do it tomorrow, but I don't trust myself enough to promise that. I feel like I've begun writing to someone instead of just writing down my thoughts and I don't really like that. I'll have to work on that too.

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