Chapter 10: High School...

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Disclaimer: You know the drill...

Percy POV 💧

It was tomorrow morning! Hooray!(Sarcastic) I was walking to the next class, Social Studies!(History) Yippee!(sarcastic) Surprisingly, all fifteen of us had the same schedule. We were in the middle of class. Our history teacher, Mr. Binns, was teaching us about Ancient Greek. I felt shadows bend in the classroom. Umbrakinesis...

The shadows spiraled in a circular motion before stopping. Nico di Angelo stood before us. Unfortunately, Mr. Binns saw everything. 

"Hey!" he yelled. "Who are you?!" Unfortunately, other students also saw. They immediately ran out of the classroom.

"Where in the world is Lady Hecate?!" Nico exclaimed. He threw is hands up in the air. "I thought she was on Mist duty!" I agreed. Where was Hecate? And why wasn't she controlling the mist?

"Hey!" Leo shouted. "What's the big idea?! I was taking good notes too!" 

"Yeah." Clarisse grumbled. "I don't want to fail my test." 

"Ha. Since when did you care about tests? Clarisse caring for tests? The world has ended."

"Shut up. I do care for tests, punk."

"Quiet!" Nico yelled. "I'm here to take you all to Olympus. 

"Since when did you get so mean?" Leo wondered.

"Leo!" Jason piped up. Wait... piping up was Piper's job. "Give Nico a break, dude!"

"Like I said. I am here to take you to Olympus." Nico sternly said. Reyna and Frank were still taking notes. How could they manage to take notes over this din?! Nico then snapped his fingers and he became a shadow. He then engulfed us and took us to Olympus. 

~~Time Skip~~

We were assembled in front of all the gods. 

"Attention, gods and demigods!" Zeus yelled over the noise. "We have assembled here today to discuss this matter of my daughter and my brother's, Hades, son-" He glanced at Nico with disapproval.

"Hades scum." He muttered under his breath.

"Zeus pawn." Hades muttered under his breath.

"Anyways," Zeus cleared his throat, "It has come to my attention that the two have caught a stranger who died immediately after she revealed she was a demigod. Hades spawn! Take it from here!" We all saw Nico take the floor.

"I was in the underworld, leaning on the balcony of my room-" Nico explained how a stranger tried to attack him. He also explained how a stranger attacked Thalia and how they both had a god's power. "Henceforth, I believe those were two different strangers. They couldn't have disappeared from the underworld and traveled to the forests surrounding Camp Half-Blood so quickly. Even if Stranger#1 did, Thalia would immediately sense his or her presence. Then, she confronted another demigod with the power of a god. She was able to mask her presence because she was probably waiting. I restrained her by the throat before she could disappear, not allowing her to use her powers. She got shot by a poison dart before either of us could interrogate her. She said she was a daughter of a deity that begins with an 'N' before she got shot." Suddenly, green mist possessed Rachel. She prepared to tell a prophecy. We all turned to her direction as she began.

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