Author's Note: There is no lesson 2, so that is not a glitch.
Q:1. A scientist who studies living things in the environment (1 point)
A: Biologist
Q:2. Which of the following is a scientist who studies plants in an environment? (1 point)
A: Botanist
Q:3. A scientist who studies the history of mankind (1 point)
A: Archaeologist
Q:4. A scientist who studies the whole environment as a working unit (1 point)
A: Ecologist
Q:5. A scientist who studies rain, lakes, and rivers (1 point)
A: Hydrologist
Q:6. A scientist who studies life in the oceans (1 point)
A: Marine Biologist
Q:7. A scientist who studies birds and their diseases (1 point)
A: Ornithologist
Q:8. A scientist who studies fossils of ancient life forms (1 point)
A: Paleontologist
Q:9. A scientist who studies fish and their diseases (1 point)
A: Ichthyologist
Q:10. A scientist who studies the Earth's crust and the formation of rocks, minerals, and soils (1 point)
A: Geologist

10th Grade Environmental Science
Kurgu OlmayanFor you guys out there who are struggling just like me. Question and Answers for Connexus Georgia. Hope you find this helpful. I will also be doing other 10th grade classes as I complete them.