Chapter 3 - House of Destiny

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Patricia, Amber, and Eddie arrived to breakfast. Nina was crying in Fabian's chest. Trudy was making breakfast, and gave Nina some handkerchiefs.

Amber: Neens, what's happening?!

Patricia: Are you two alright?!

Fabian slowly lent the newspaper to Amber. Amber, Patricia, and Eddie started reading. The note said:

                                                       " Bad Luck Conneticut

...Yesterday, at 7:46 p.m., the airplane A-47 crashed 40 kilometers away from its destiny, Conneticut. People are still looking for survivors. They will be translating them to St. John's hospital..."

They were all confused, but felt bad for the horrible new.

Patricia: What does this has to do with Nina?

Fabian looked at Patricia, and with a broken voice he tried to tell her, but Eddie interruped.

Eddie: Nina's Gran was in the airplane, wasn't she?

Nina was surprised, and confused.

Nina: Eddie, how do you know that?

Fabian: Didn't you told him about the phone call?

Nina: No, I didn't, only to you.

Eddie: You'll think this is insane, but I... I dreamed that.

Patricia: What are you talking about?

Eddie: Yeah, I dreamed that the airplane was crashing. I heard a voice saying 'Warn Nina', but thought it was just a nightmare.

Everyone was confused. 'How did Eddie knew this was happening?', thought Nina. Then, the rest of the residents came.

 Mara: Nina, are you alright?

Trudy: The poor Nina is having a hard time.

Trudy lent the newspaper to Jerome, Alfie, Mara, and Joy. They read it.

Jerome: What does this-

Eddie: Nina's Gran was there.

Joy: I'm... I'm so sorry, Nina.

Nina: Thank you, Joy.

Alfie: Everything would be okay.

Nina smiled at Alfie, still crying.

Nina: Trudy I'm not hungry, I'll go to school now.

Trudy: Do you want some juice before you go, or-

Before she could finish, the door slammed.

Everyone ate breakfast, then went to school. Fabian looked everywhere for Nina, she didn't show up to the first class. He knew exactly where she was.


Nina was trying to think positive.

Nina: Why, why this? I thought everything would be fine now.

Fabian: And it will.

Fabian showed up by her side, he then sat in the stairs as well.

Fabian: I know that you always come here when you're upset about something.

Nina: Yeah, very predictible... *She sighed*... the library gives me some of the peace I need.

They were quiet for a while, appreciating the moment. Fabian started reading some books. She was still tearing up a bit.

Nina: What are you doing?

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