x. Hajime Iwaizumi

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"Iwa-kun I'm sorry! Have you waited long?" The boy that has been looking as nonchalant as ever noticed your brisk pace, you stopped near him trying to catch the breath you've unnecessarily wasted. Out of concern he held your arm gently, "Oi slow down I'm not going anywhere," he stated clearly.

"besides I haven't waited that long." His gaze shifted.

A lie.

For the truth that the ace got too excited and had been on the planned meeting point 30 minutes early, and of course he won't give that away.

Lie and the guiltiness of being late aside, it warmed your heart that the excitement you were feeling was perched on him as well. You giggled happily at the thought, the grin stayed and the dark-haired boy looked and immediately knew that giggle was a sign that he had been found out lying.

"Geez, you can at least be sorry instead of grinning like that." He pinched your rosy cheek, distracting you from the fact that his face was colored the same way. You tried to zip your lips like straight line but it just kept going upward. You're that happy.

"I'm sowwy." You managed to cry out an apology, a playful one at that. Iwaizumi released his hand and chuckled to himself. "That couldn't sound faker even if you wanted to."

He went and grabbed your hand, "Well then, off we go."

The date came to pass pretty well. You both went to an aquarium, it was amusing and fun as you rarely got the chance to observe the animals that lived below and deep water. You kept pointing stuffs to show Iwaizumi but I think we can both agree that he observed your face the most today. The contented expression you've wore all day brought the same one to his face as well.

"I had fun today." The glimmering smile descended on your feature, letting him know how utterly happy you were. He put both hands on his jacket pockets and let out a breathy laugh, "Yeah well I can see that. You bounced around a lot today, it reminded me when I was... five?"

"It's not a compliment is it?" You questioned, half knowing the answer. "Hmm, you pick. Spoiler: no." He whispered at the last part. "Hey!"

He let out another laugh, "Just kidding, I had fun too today." A rare smile bloomed on his face. The day was getting dark yet you wanted to stay with him longer. A lot longer. Realizing the sudden quietness, he hastily said his goodbye

"So... I'll see you tomorrow?" Your gut was soaring loudly, telling yourself to not let the boy go, all of your body parts agreed but they didn't move. You watched your chance flashed away slowly as he is parting himself.

But you decided to do something bold, obeying your gut though not the whole of it. "Yeah.. see you tomorrow, Hajime." You spun around, half hoping hoping to get some kind of reaction that you just called his first name for the first time ever.

5 seconds passed and you were sure he didn't hear you

Suddenly you felt a pull on your collar, making you turn around again. There Iwaizumi was standing, flustered.

"You can't just say that and walk away!"

Haikyuu!! X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now