ix. Shōyō Hinata

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You and Hinata have been dating for 2 weeks, a young span still, but you believed it would last so much longer or even limitless. That two weeks were unlike anything you've ever experienced before. You thought you knew about the thrill of being with someone you like but no, being with Hinata was always so exciting and joyous. He never forgot to bring a ray of sunshine with him –no, it was more like

He is the sunshine.

Speaking of the sun, it almost hid and left where it was there once as your company. You were waiting for Hinata to finish his volleyball activity. It was a lightening coincidence as you had a club activity as well that day. You understood very well that volleyball took longer than any other club so you waited patiently, smiling to yourself as you imagined how happy Hinata looked after a good satisfying day of practice.

10 minutes more and the sun would've left you alone but luckily you heard footsteps with spring on them. It's crazy how you're almost able to hear him in his every gesture. Is it crazy or are you going crazy because of him?

"y/n!" The man of the hour finally appeared and called out to you, you spun around and beamed, "Hinata!" Moments with him made you forget that lips, your body part, could turn upside down. Hinata was just that delightful.

"Have you waited long? I'm sorry! Me and Kageyama were the ones in charge to clear and locked up the gym today." He bowed slightly, an honest offer of apology which you  happily accepted, and the smile that has been clinging in your face didn't leave. "It's alright, don't mind!" You quoted his teammates words of encouragement.

A sweet grin bloomed on his face. You were pretty sure at that time, the sun had left you completely but it didn't turn darker even a bit, because Hinata was already on your side. The sun can get clogged at any day but if you got Hinata, your world would still be the brightest place people see from afar.

"Shall we?" Hinata trotted past you and stopped at some point and then tilted his head questioningly. "Sure!" You staggered so you both were side by side.

"You didn't bring your bike today?" You opened a conversation as you walked along the road.

"Nah, I was up early today so why not just use the spare time to run all the way here?" He folded his arms behind his head, a content smile danced on his feature. It's just like him to do that, you thought as you laughed to yourself.

Hinata moved his gaze to you intently yet lovingly, pleased by the sight he's seeing. But confusion washed over him, "Why are you laughing?"

"I was just thinking running all the way here just because you got up early was so like you." You glanced upward as if running out of place to stare. He brought his hands down, and laughed quietly, "Yeah."

And the silence came. It wasn't really the uncomfortable one where you felt obligated to search for a topic to talk about, it was something that flowed naturally, and without complaints.

You walked side by side, and it was almost too quiet. Almost.

What quiet atmosphere did to you was your mind then had wandered everywhere, but then you noticed how your pinky fingers grazed a few times with his. No matter where angle you looked at it, it was such a simple gesture but it sent electricity to the both of you, or more boldly if I dare to say, it sent a reasonable wave of wanting more.

None of you said anything but at the same time, your pinky fingers made their way to link with each other, and immediately sent a rush of heat up to your and his cheeks. The amount of happiness the both of you received and have sent to each other were unbearable.

After walking for a bit sometime, the craving were greater and Hinata was the one to initiate the gesture where he intertwined his hands with yours. Your fingers responded enthusiastically, somewhat too quick for someone who had no idea the fluffy haired boy was gonna do that.

Your stomach stirred, not in a bad way but in a way you knew your body parts couldn't contain the happiness you were feeling. "Your hands are warm, I like it." His slightly rosy cheeks turned redder, thumbs brushing over your knuckles subtly. "Yours too." You replied with the sweetest smile Hinata thought you could wear.

Just like your fingers, your and his gaze made their way to each other. He tried to keep a serious face but failed miserably. He giggled, which made you giggled too. You kept doing that for what might be a bit too long, but not for the two of you.

For you two, the dark yet colorful evening night went on, until one of you's cheeks were sore, until someone's hand got too sweaty, or until you both realized that you needed to be home waaaay earlier.

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