xv. Kōtarō Bokuto

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You trotted past the heavy rain, had completely ran out of fuck to give. The faint sound of your name reached to you a couple times. You knew the voice all too well, but knowing who it was meant all the more reasons to not turn your back.

Furious and devastated, mostly devastated, the top two adjectives that were spinning around in your head. How could you not? You just saw your boyfriend of two and a half years, Bokuto, kissed someone else in front of your very own eyes.

You're glad you managed to get away from the sight because you seriously thought your whole world was crumbling and was this close to falling apart. It still is.

Why? You thought. All you wanted to do was to bring him an umbrella because you knew he would forget and it would be raining by the time he finished his club activity. You thought of this as a chance to surprise the boy as well to pay a visit to the team.

Surprise surprise, you got lied to. There were absolutely no club activity that day as he said there were. The only thing you got to see was Bokuto's lips pressed on someone else's, his hands wrapped around tightly on the girl's waist.

What he always did to you.
Now he did it to someone else.

"(y/n), please!" his hand grabbed yours firmly, sending an unexpected yet absolute flow of resentment towards the volleyball player. Time stopped for a second, but you regained it, "Let go." you spoke calmly, as in a kind of stillness before the storm. Fitting, as the rain wasn't letting up.

Fortunately Bokuto was familiar with the tone so he let go your hand not with you quite yet. Before you took another step, he ran past you and stopped to stand in front of you, face screaming that you won't be getting anywhere unless you heard him first.

"There aren't any excuse that could possibly justify your actions, Bokuto. Therefore stop. trying. to. do. so." You remarked steely, fighting the urge to break down and just drown in the pool of self-pity.

"I'm not! ....surprisingly. For a guy that talked too much, unfortunately the only thing I can say is ....I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry." He bowed deep, drops of water hitting his back. "You do?" you smiled self deprecatingly, as if he just said something straight out of a comic book and you're supposed to laugh at that.

"You broke my heart and all you can say is sorry?" the heaviness your sentence had carried was unbearable. Too unbearable that the silver-haired man looked at you so quickly in concern and raised his arms to hug you but quickly drew them back, having a self-awareness that he no longer had the right and position to.

You hugged yourself unconsciously, suddenly feeling vulnerable. "Why? After everything we've been through together?" you screamed through rain, letting your tears stream freely, for the rainfall got you covered. You held your glare to the boy.

Bokuto's face colored with guilt, but not the one you hoped to be there.

He felt sorry that you've found out, not because he kissed the girl.

In only that expression you declared to kill everything inside you that were still sending prayers for a chance to be back with Bokuto.

Your guess was spot on.

"I have no excuse, like you said. I did it because I wanted to." the usually standing tall man cowered under your gaze, it was like you were looking down on him. You hushed to the thought of where did you go wrong that were wild inside your minds.

It's not you, it's him.

You let out a mirthless laugh, "We're done here, yeah?"

Your stare landed on his, eyes red. He returned the gesture and looked straight at you, seemed to fall to an unspoken, eye-leveled understatement, that this, the relationship, in any way,
is over.

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