xvii. Kenma Kozume

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A quick drabble!

Other times you would be so certain that Kenma, your boyfriend actually liked you.

But there are of course times where you're conflicted and proceeded to question the setter's feelings towards you. And today, is definitely one of those days.

You were making your way through the corridor on lunch time as you were reassuring yourself that you're being a worrywart and got worked up over probably nothing. You knew yourself that Kenma isn't one to get lovey-dovey or straight forward about his feelings, but you couldn't help it if sometimes he didn't meet the expectations you had worn all day, not that he had to.

A simple 'hi' would suffice but even a mere greeting from the guy was a rare occasion to happen. Even your classmates began to talk how you two lack 'relation'


"What did the window ever did to you hm, (y/n)-chan?" a voice crashed your train of thought. "A-ah, Kuroo, please don't mind me," you sighed to yourself, mentally face-palming. "Something terrible must've happened between you and the window. You were staring at it pretty hard," he hummed to himself, undoubtedly pleased teasing you. Kuroo has been your bestfriend for as long as you know, this is just one of your usual banter to each other, but asied all of that, he was extremely good at getting your back.

"If you make another joke about the goddamn window I'll-" a flick to your forehead.

"I just flicked some senses to you, did that work?" You were speechless, confused whether to be angry at the blocker or to question his actions, but before all of that, he continued, "It's Kenma isn't it?" He leaned on the window, hands on his pants pocket.

"that obvious, huh?" You mirrored his gesture, hands intertwining. "It's just like you to wear what you feel on your sleeves like that," your lips formed a sad smile, a silent agreement.

"Why don't you try to say it instead of wearing it everywhere like that?"


"So that's that."

Kenma blinked a few times, caught off guard. Perhaps still processing half of your words.

"I don't get it.." he frowned at you, or at something else? "Yeah I know, I'm pathetic,"

He looked down, "Don't say that about yourself please, (y/n). What I did not get was as to why I let myself make you think like that."

"It must've been hard," he said quietly, while bringing a hand to your cheek. You snuggled to it for some affection. You remembered all those sleepless nights, the endless long lost thought, and moments where you had to question yourself. Those were terrible.

Those were hard.

"..yeah," you nodded.

"I'll try to be better I promise,"

the volleyball player embraced you.

"..because I like you."

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