xvi. Tōru Oikawa

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[Waaa I'm sorry it's been only sad stories lately, this one is too so bear with me,
I'll try to write happier stuffs in the future chapters!]

You paced back and forth restlessly, waiting for the outcome of your boyfriend's match today in your shared apartment. Even though you couldn't make it to watch, you still felt the uneasiness as if you yourself was the one on the stadium.

"It won't be an easy fight," the setter said. With a gaze on rested on nowhere, his feature visibly tense, painted with a worry that was rarely there.

Any sound in the slightest near the door made you flinched, thinking it was Oikawa each time. Your anxiety level was through the roof.

Your boyfriend was a damn good setter, and you knew that damn well, so it tore your heart into pieces that every time losing a game he always had this expression of utter guilt, shoulders slumped, letting himself bear the loss of the whole team alone, taking all the blame he wasn't supposed to carry alone.

Even not a single bone of his teammates had crossed a thought that Oikawa wasn't good enough,

because everyone knew damn well that he was.

"(y/n)-chan, I'm home~" a muffled voice heard just outside the door. You practically run all the way to greet the volleyball player, wanting to welcome the man so badly, either way the match went.

You opened the door, revealing a tired but still smiling Oikawa, yet the usual twinkle of his grin wasn't there. "Welcome home, Tooru." you smiled softly towards the man, he returned the smile as he went past you while ruffling your hair gently, his eyes weren't on you.

"Tooru?" you called out, a bit concerned. "What's for dinner today, (y/n)-chan?" he brushed you off, standing around the kitchen, trying way too hard to be occupied. "Tooru" you called again, more alarmed this time. The said man slightly flinched, and again threw you into a new conversation about your day.

You've become very aware and worried of Oikawa's unusual way of acting. It was saddening and you wanted nothing more than to get to the bottom of it.

"Tooru." You called him once again, tone stern and final, leaving no room for Oikawa to escape. Silence took over for a seconds too long before a different voice weakly replied, "yeah?"

It was completely a different voice than you heard when he came home, just now it was so fragile, meek, it was faint and desperate.

It was heart breaking.

You approached him to put a hand on his arm, yanking it slightly so he's facing you. He was gritting his teeth, head tilted aside like holding in an explosion. You needn't to ask question regarding the disappointment splattered across his feature. Neither of you said anything but it was clear from his expression,

That he had lost the match.

No words needed to say, no questions needed to ask. You spread your arms wide, a welcoming smile fell upon you. Oikawa was stunned for a moment before wrapping his arms onto your figure, head resting on your shoulder. It wasn't long until the silent room filled with his devastated sobs.

He sobbed, sobbed, and sobbed. Each seconds sounding louder as his grip on your fabric of clothing got tighter and tighter, perhaps squeezing out the frustration feeling the volleyball had left on his hands. You rubbed a circle motion on his back, wishing to soothe the raging thunder inside him even just a tad bit.

"I.. wa-wanted to win.. with eve..ryone.." he struggled to say between his cry hiccups. You brought up a free hand to stroke his hair lovingly, "And I'm sure they knew that more than anyone, don't be so hard on yourself, love." You continued to comb through his hair comfortingly while whispering encouraging words for what they're worth.

"I'm here, Tooru. I'm here."

You could feel his subtle nod on your side, a mental note he made to himself that after the hard time passed, he was going to stand strong and tall, higher above everyone else, so that the goddess of victory would smile upon him and the rest of the team again.

"thank you, (y/n)-chan, truly."

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