xix. Kōshi Sugawara

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Today went horribly. Horrible didn't even describe half of it. First you woke up late, you had to run for it you thought it stopped right there but no. A sequence was happening. You forgot your lunch box and a thought to bring your wallet was gone along your chance to make it to school on time.

You were late, and were punished for it by standing outside the class, after using so much of your leg's energy to even arrive at the pit of hell. Done? Noo, not even close.

You went back to class to see your exam results. It wasn't bad, but the worst part of it that you thought you did better than that. And finally the last bell rang. The walk along the corridor was slow and sad. You did not pay attention to single thing.

You missed the last step of stairs causing you to sprain your ankle. The only lucky thing that day that you fell near the nurse room so it was a short walk. You explained what happened and got your foot patched up.

You walked out of the school gate with storms inside your head, with a mindset that you weren't even gonna be surprised anymore if another bad thing came up.  An undeniable exhaustment bubbling up inside you, wishing to just cry it out onto the pillows on your bed already. 

"Hey," a familiar breeze went past you. You could even hear the gentle smile he always wore on that greeting. Your boyfriend really is refreshing. You managed a weak smile of your own, as though Sugawara just lifted a tad piece of your heart and made it lighter.

Without addressing anything at all that was clearly visible, Sugawara drew a hand, the same smile glued to his face. You let out a tired chuckle, extremely touched by your boyfriend's understanding that you did not want to talk about it.

The trip to your home was quite yet comfortable. You both were enjoying each others' company regardless of how many words that came out that day. Being around each other was healing. 

Maybe the last unlucky thing to ever that day was how short it is of a walk the way from school to your house. The sky is peachy, you feel as relaxed as ever with Suga on your side. You were ready to say goodbye until Suga spread his arms wide, a sign of welcome.

"You looked like you could use a hug," a gentle expression of delight crippled. Suddenly it was like the huge stones on your back was crushed and vanished only leaving you with overwhelming joy. You tackled him into a bone-crushing hug, at least that's what you intended to do before involuntarily melted right towards the setter's embrace. The hug gave so much to you than it was supposed to. It was fulfilling and wholesome. 

He pat your head with his free hand several times before making its way down to your hair, and stopped it right on your back. "It was a long day, wasn't it?" He kissed the top of your head. "Yeah, it really was," you mumbled to his chest. A huge wave of relief washes your chest.

It felt nice when someone acknowlegde the struggles you've gone through, you thought.

"You did good, I'm proud of you, (y/n)," he said light-heartedly. You stayed like that for another solid minute before both of you reluctantly release each other. It was really obvious on your side from the unamused expression you were making, that brought a quiet laugh from the volleyball player.

He then put a hand over your cheek as you snuggled into it. "Now go in, eat your dinner, take a long warm bath, then tuck yourself in the most comfortable bed covers you have alright?" You nodded as a response, a strong agreement to his instructions just now. 

You both smiled at one another and he pulled you for a long and sweet kiss. It wasn't desperate or rushed, it was just the right amount for you two to feel content.

Funny and also scary, how he's able to put you in a good mood after you went through hell and back. 

I guess that's just the power only Mr. Refreshing have.

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