Albus- Part 1

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I smiled eagerly as we emerged out of the train. The Hogwarts express plumed smoke and as it cleared Draco was standing expectantly, waiting for Scorpius and me. Scorpius ran and embraced his father whilst I stood back and waited for the intimate moment to end. He made my heart swell. It was killing me I couldn't let him know so instead I chose to wait back. I was so happy the school year had ended because I wasn't sure how much more I could bear it.

Scorpius turned around to say goodbye but I had already 'disapparated' into the grey air. James and Lily were waiting for me outside of the station with my parents. I was relieved to be away from Scorpius but I realised coming to grips with it all would mean telling my parents. The trip home blurred into one anxious panorama. You have to tell them

I ran into my parent's room and, speaking as bluntly as I could: "I'm gay". There is something about a moment like that, the vulnerability of telling someone. For a glimpse of a second, I imagined a future where I could've gone my whole life without telling anyone but that future would've been lonely.  The sheer surprise on Harry's face leads me to continue: "I mean I could be k-k-know... boys and girls..." I stuttered.

I saw the surprise on my dads face melt away. It was replaced with a shameful grimace. I began to cry: "Are you ashamed?". 

But he grabbed me and spoke softly

 "Why are you crying. I am so, so proud of you. I'm ashamed of myself that you were scared to tell me".

"Oh Albus my dearest, I love you unconditionally so to think," she laughed, "You being gay would stop that is crazy. You're little boy, I will always love you!" Ginny proclaimed, kissing me up and down, causing me to giggle. My parents both cradled me between them like I was a newborn and for the first time in months, I felt calm and content. 

Harry chuckled nervously "Is there anyone in particular? Some of the older quidditch boys, they're always very, uh, handsome?" I did not want to unpack that right now, I just smiled.

The weeks of my summer holiday flew by like a blissfully hot day haze. I collated my emotions and feelings into a diary which took a lot of weight off my shoulders. I wrote about my hopes for school, for the future and right now, but most of all I wrote about him. Nothing bad, but as I wrote about potions class, it was his soft eyes that crept into my mind. I wrote about the early spring snow, the same colour as his hair, and the summer rays- almost as bright as his smile. My, that made me cringe. Of course, I didn't actually write the parts about him, that would be stupid- right?

When the day rolled around I had to go back to school, I packed my trunk and my owl for the Hogwarts express. Just before I had to leave, cleared the pile of unread letters from Scorpius off of my desk to write a list of all the things to remember in the new year:

I needed to find a girlfriend, try out for quidditch, improve my potions and, finally, keep my distance from Scorpius.

The grand train pulled up at platform 9 and 3/4 and for a moment took in how magnificent it was. I was going to start this school year with a renewed frame of mind and my nervousness was overcome with a sense of fulfilment. I walked up the train, still scarred by the memory of how the trolley witch could morph into a monster with spikes for hands and hurl pumpkin pasty grenades. All the same, she smiled at me as I sheepishly slid passed. I came to what looked like an empty cabin, except a tall, lanky boy with snow blonde fluffy hair and lonely expression on his face. He turned to me and I tried to pretend I didn't see him but Scorpius beckoned for me to come in witch him. I pressed my hand to the door to open it then hesitated and withdrew, signalling that I was going to walk down. He dolefully nodded and I turned away to gaze wistfully out of the window. I was so desperate to go in and at least hug him because I knew I had been ignoring him all summer. But I couldn't tell him the reason, as I imagined how funny it would be if I went up to him and said: "Scorpius, the reason I ignored my closest friend all summer was because I might have feelings for him" then proceed to skip away down the train.

Someone must have seen me sniggering to myself outside the compartments.

"Oi, Potter, come and sit with us, mate". I was nearly never called Potter by Scorpius, he knew I hated it. I realised it was a group of bad Slytherins, the sort Scorpius and I would've avoided making eye contact within the corridors. But now Scorpius wasn't here.
As part of reinventing myself, I opened the door and went and sat with them. There were four people, two girls and two boys. The first was a burly, muscular boy with a buzz cut and a lazy eye. The second was what I considered the epitome of a Slytherin stereotype. He was long and thin like an unattractive runner bean. He had small eyes that darted back and forth, surveying his surroundings as if he was conspiring to make the train stop somehow. Next to him was a girl who was likely in my year with dark brown hair, smooth brown skin and large doe-like eyes- I wondered why I had never noticed her.

The big boy leant forward: "I'm Roy, this is Atticus and Samirah" said Roy. Atticus cut his eye at me but Samirah grinned.  Roy continued.

''Samirah's from another school, she's new, a family friend." She looked down, avoiding my eyes but still smiling.
"Samirah's in the fourth year, the same as you, and could do with someone to help show her around," he said.
"Yeah, you're Potter's Son? I heard what happened with Voldermort's daughter. 

I lent in, genuinely interested, to see if there was any more they'd heard about me. I was used to being overshadowed by my dad's deeds but this time it was me they heard of! My train of thought ended abruptly when Atticus spoke:

"Scorpius was the boy whose mother died. Rumour is that she was a muggle-born. Draco brought shame on the Malfoy bloodline" he snarled, observing how I responded. I wanted to yell at him. To tell him he had no right to talk about Astoria. But instead, all that came out was "Yeah I guess" and shrugged.
The rest of the journey was easy because I talked to Samirah. She was really nice and it was nice not feeling myself blush every time she spoke. As Hogwarts was in sight on the horizon, there was a staccato patter on the door. It thought it was rain. Instead, the noise was followed by the door sliding open and Scorpius plonking himself between the two of us.
"Hi, I'm Scorpius!" he smiled and held his hand out to shake Atticus' hand. He gave him a patronising smile and declined his salutation. However, Samirah grabbed his hand and heartily shook it. Roy sniggered.
"So this is still your friend, Potter? I guess the apple falls far from the tree because I recall there was meant to be a Potter-Malfoy rivalry?" spoke Roy.

"No, actually Al and I get along quite well. We're relatively good friends." He spoke cheerfully.

"Actually, I heard different," I didn't know what Atticus was going to say but I was worried, "I heard that Malfoy and Potter had a little thing on the side, a bit of-" He made a phallic hand gestures. Once again I was silent but I saw Scorpius turning slightly red, I'm not sure if he understood what Atticus was saying.

"So what? What if our dads were friends 'on the side', huh? I wouldn't matter, Albus is my best friend."
"Shut up Scorpius," I muttered. He turned to me with a look of total surprise. For three years we'd stayed side by side whenever we could and I was here telling him we weren't really friends.

"Al?" he looked pleadingly, his brown eyes beginning to well. 

"Yeah Al, this is your best friend ain't it?" Roy said spitefully. I was so annoyed at my new 'friends', at the situation and myself more than anything that I exclaimed:

"We're NOT best friends. He just started following me around. We were never 'friends', it was all a big coincidence we were even together."

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