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esme was in another dream.

she wasn't awake.

this wasn't real, but somehow it seemed like it.

he was leaning into her, his mouth next to her ear, his perfect amaranth lips telling her everything she wanted- no, needed -to hear.

he was telling her everything she had ever wanted, and when she would wake up, it would all be gone.

she would be the ugly tall girl, the one with glasses and dirty hair and a quiet voice. the one that stood out, no matter how she tried. she would worry as she always did, and people would say things about her like she knew they would.

but for now, esme basked in his radiant light and let everything happen the way it does every time.

every time she's dreaming.


tristan lightly touched her shoulders and started his epic into her ear, his knees digging into the corrugated surface of the sidewalk, his hands on fire with the mint scent of her shirt.


in her dream, he started to speak, the way he always did.


i knew i loved you ever since the moment you turned your head away from mine when amy pulled mine towards hers.

i knew i loved you when you looked back at me in class for a short second and your figure looked as if it was shimmering like the golden sun, like you were an angel.

i knew i loved you when you looked at me at the end of class the day i introduced myself, like you already knew me and didn't care who i was.

i knew i loved you when i sat down next to you in the bathroom such a short time ago and i saw the burning fire in your eyes smoke out from the endless waterfall of your tears of longing, making you even more beautiful then you already were.

you're probably thinking right now that you are none of those things. and that's not true.

people never talk about you at school. you're quiet and smart. you have the prettiest smile. you're remarkable in a normal sort of way, and i mean that in the best way possible.

i have so much pressure put on me everyday.

my parents want me to do well in sports. that's all they want me to do well in, actually. i'm trying so hard in school and all i do is fail. i stand out even when i don't want to. i had the perfect girlfriend... that was actually not perfect. i pushed down my feeling of distrust with the idea that i was just too in love to think about anything else.

with you i've realized that i have the power to change those things. with you i have the power to be just a guy.

you've changed me, esme. from that first glance in the hallway, it was you."

she started to cry in her dream, realizing this was going to be like all the other times when she woke up in her bed, hot and sweaty and aching for something she couldn't have.

then she felt his hand on her shoulder,

and realized it was real.


a/n: oh my GOODNESS i can't wait to finish this story!! just wait until the next part. obviously i'm pretty inspired right now, haha! sorry for the cliffhanger but i hope you enjoyed this quadruple upload.

song: mine by bazzi

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